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Can human beings be perfect? What does a perfect man comprise of? A good physique without any disability? Good looks? Lots of virtues? Or all of these?

All of us know that nobody is perfect yet we dream of being perfect one day. Each of us has a different definition of what 'perfection' is. We spend our entire lives trying to become something which we are not while carelessly forgetting who we actually are.

Changes are essential, change is progress, changes bring positivity, changes take you to Mars, changes give you super powers, changes make you God, etc. are some of the 'words of wisdom' that we come across on social media these days(actually, every single day!) and these 'words of wisdom' are mostly found as captions on those teenagers' post who recently got their hair coloured or straightened or got some new frames for their spectacles. Epic!

Though I do believe that changes are an essential part of one's life, but only those changes are meaningful that are done with a good intention. Changes should be brought about in one's thoughts and behaviours for the upliftment of the personality of an individual.

I would like to share a story of my friend here. A friend of mine had a crush on a girl. I have never seen that girl but heard about her beauty from him. He used to talk a lot about her. From his descriptions, she seemed to be nice girl to me. Both of them were friends on social media. Then, one day, he expressed his feelings to her but she didn't reciprocate those same feelings. Still, being an optimistic person, my friend didn't lose hope. They went out for a date before her birthday. Being a gentleman, my friend greeted her with a bouquet and chocolates, and made his attempts to impress her. But all things went in vain.

After being rejected by her, he felt heartbroken, and thought to bring some changes in himself in order to become 'perfect' for her. He presumed that his 'lack of handsomeness' was responsible for his rejection. So, his wheatish complexion and local accent were put to blame by him. As a result, he tried using some fairness creams , started going to the gym and even practiced to make his accent eloquent. All these changes, only to win her heart.

After a few days, she got to know about all these forced changes that he tried to bring in himself. She explained it to him that she didn't reject him because of his personality but because she wanted to focus on her career, she wanted to stay away from any kind of relationship. Then, she promised to stay friends with him, like they have always been, as well as she made it clear to him that one should never try to change one's individuality, just for the sake of another. These are a few of her words - "Your individuality makes you, you. It is that thing which separates you from others. Changes are indeed beautiful, but only when they are brought about in one's thoughts, not in one's physical appearance. Those changes are good that take place for the sake of goodness. You should change yourself, only for your own self, not for anybody else."

If someone loves you after changing your individuality, then that thing is not any love, my friend.

The biggest change will occur that day when you stop believing that you need to change. Flawless is fake. Imperfect is real. So, be the real you, the imperfect you.

The more I think about this word, 'perfect', the more I am convinced that 'perfection' is just a state of mind. Perfect is as perfect, as you believe it to be.

Author's Note:

Behind this facade of changing ourselves, aren't we all losing our selves bit by bit every single day ?
I've written a poem regarding the same, it's called, "Embrace Yourself". You can find it in my other book, "Poems To Ponder".
Add both my books to your reading list and stay updated with my stories and poems. Vote/comment/share my story, if you like it.
Neha Chandra

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