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With my bad performance in the pre-boards came the thrilling experience of wearing a saree for the very first time. I had always dreamt of wearing a red saree and letting my hair loose on my farewell and finally that dream came true. I enjoyed a lot at the farewell but the farewell party was nothing but a reminder in disguise that now my school life has officially ended.

My only resolution was to perform better than my pre-boards. For that, I made a time table to study for the very first time(something which I had been told to do since ages). No friends, no hangouts, no social media, just me and my books and some music in my leisure time. Tight study schedule - 3 p.m.to 3 a.m.

Stress management and time management - the two basic keys to always keep in mind during board exams. Mathematics exam was like meeting the Satan and Computer was a like a piece of cake.

I had never felt as nervous as I felt during the JEE(Mains). My Sikkim tour after all these exams was like the soothing first shower of rain on a sunny day. Be it the picturesque view from the Tashi View Point or the snow-covered mountains surrounding the Changu Lake, every bit of it redefined beauty to me, beauty not as something materialistic but as an experience that is both relaxing and delightful to the soul.

Finally, the result time. With my 91.2% marks in my board exams, I was on the seventh cloud. My perseverance and dedication paid me off well. The happy faces of my parents told me that their happiness was much more than mine.

"If you cannot change it, accept it. If you cannot accept it, change it."
So, I did.
The path diverged in two and I took the one less travelled by.
A life-changing decision: From Engineering to honours in English.

New place, new people, new faces, new environment. A fresh beginning to a new life leaving the old one behind without any contempt or regret.

The fresher's party was like an eye-opener to me. I noticed that my classmates are much different from me, or rather I am much different from them. The impact of my decision was beginning to dawn on me. But I gradually made new friends.
I finally shifted to a hostel and understood what it feels like to stay away from family and home. Now I had to face the world all on my own.

Typhoid accompanied by cough and cold as well as malaria. The whole month I was in bedrest.

Vacations-Home sweet home. The impact of my bad health was clearly visible on me. I had lost a considerable amount of weight and my already skinny frame looked muh like a skeleton.

Learnt to find a home away from my home, a home not in any place but in the people, people who are more than just my friends, my second family.

With the year approaching an end, I came to realize that though this year was nothing like my expectations yet it was wonderful in its won unique way.
May 2017 bring more unexpected surprises, adventurous experiences and joyous laughters.
2016 was an amazing year for me. It had it's own ups and down but it never failed to surprise me. How was your 2016? Tell me in the comments.
Vote/comment/share if you liked reading it.

Happy New Year everybody!
-Neha Chandra

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