A Letter To The Future Me

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Hey Neha!

So, you must be 25 years old when you read it. How are you? I hope your are fine. Okay! All formalities apart, first tell me are there any flying cars in future? Or a teleportation machine? Or a time machine? Or an invisibility machine? If there are any time machines in your time then please come to visit me. I would like to see you, to know you. I know if some time machine is there in your time, then you will definitely come to meet me. Afterall, you must be missing by innocence and cuteness. Aren't you?

I am writing you this letter because I want to say a lot of things to you. First of all I would like to tell you that you are an amazing person. I know I haven't met you but I just somehow know that you are awesome, maybe because you are me!

I actually want to say a lot of things but I just don't know where to begin. I don't know in what profession you are but I know whatever is it you must be giving your heart and soul to it. I know you are very hardworking and dedicated towards your work but I also know that at times you become so lazy that you begin to procrastinate your work. I hope you are keeping that habit of yours in control. There are lots of possibilities in front of me regarding my career and I have no idea what am I gonna choose but I know I have a bright future ahead. There must be times when you feel your self-confidence getting shattered and your self-esteem going down at those times just remember my words - You are much more than what you think. You have a lot of potential within you and you can overcome almost every obstacle that comes in your path. With your simplicity and presence of mind you can tackle every situation.

Life is full of ups and downs and I bet you know this much better than me. But when times are tough always remember that the darkest hour is just before the dawn. I want you to always face the problems in your life with a smiling face. Never ever be discouraged or dishearten yourself. Even if there's nobody by your side, just remember one thing that I will always support you no matter what!

You know what's the best thing about us both? We have such a loving and caring family though they sometimes get overprotective but that's only because they are just too much concerned about us. You are lucky to have such a family. Please do take care of them.  And I know you love them the most.

Hey, are you married? I hope not. You are only 25 and who marries so early, dude! But yeah, if you are married then congratulations and live a happy married life. Oh God! It sounds so gross saying this to myself. I feel like I will puke. Just kidding.

You have much more experience than me about love and relationships, so it would be very much futile of me giving relationship advice to you but still you have to listen to my preaching.  You will find lots of fake people, and I am sure you must have found lots and lots by now as well, but do trust your heart to guide you to the right one. There's no doubt that you will always prefer generous hearts over eye candies. You have your own right to make mistakes and learn from them but I don't ever want you to make the mistakes that I made. Don't ever compromise with your self-respect. Never ever settle down for something less than what you truly deserve. There's nothing called bargaining in love. If he's not worth it, that means he's not worth it, no 'if's and certainly no 'but's.

One more thing I would like to add in this relation, and, that is, you don't need anybody else to complete yourself, you only need somebody to a accept you completely with all you virtues and vices. You may get your heart broken a number of times, but don't be afraid to love again. Having loved and lost your love is way better than not having loved at all. Trust, communication and understanding are the three main pillars of every relationship.

Experience makes man wiser. In my 18 years of life, I have come across experiences which were both bitter and sweet and they have shaped me into the person which I am today. I know the same goes with you too. I have trusted many wrong people in my life and eventually got betrayed, so I just hope you the better than me when it comes to the choice of people.

I hope you neither drink nor smoke. You know I am not concerned about what the society says about these or what grounds they judge people, but I care about your health. You are wise enough to know that both of these things have averse effects on our health and eventually cause life-threatening diseases. Now, as the word society has been mentioned, so I would also add that don't let the norms of the society prevent you from living your life. Breathe in the air of freedom and be a lady who lives her life on her own terms.

I would like to tell you that you are a unique individual and there are a lot of people who look up to you. Love yourself for who you are and don't try to change yourself for the world. One more thing,though I know I don't need to mention it but my letter would be incomplete without it - No matter what the consequences may be, always support the truth and stand for what is right, even if it means you are the only one standing.

Though there are still a million, billion and gazillion of things to say but now I would just like to end my letter by saying that look at me, I am writing a letter to my future self but what guarantee I'd there that I would live up to the age of 25 ? ..... This is called hope and faith, the two elements of life with which every battle can be won.

Love You,
The 18-years old Neha

Author's Note :
Hi guys! I really hope you liked it. Please, don't forget to vote, comment and share my story if you liked it, this small effort from you will give me immense joy.
All of you must have read letters which authors write to their past-selves, mostly teen-selves, so I thought let's think something out of the box and then this idea came to my mind. If any of you have any similar letters or any new ideas which you would like to make me know and share with the world then feel free to message me.
Neha Chandra

Through My Eyes Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora