"How Do You Write?"

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The sunrays were filtering in through the blinds of the curtains. The empty packet of chips lying on the floor. Anu was playing with her hair, and Sweta was busy with her phone. Ratna, as usual, was shuffling through her books, and me, I was thinking about home, mom, homemade food, my room, and other such things which a hostel-deweller thinks of. I wanted to sit in the terrace, under the sun. Sitting under the sun, with a book in my hand, and spectacles up my nose, is my idea of a winter afternoon.

"Why do you write? I mean.....How do you write" , blurted Anu. I was  dumbfounded by her sudden interrogation. Gaining my composure, I thought over the question for a while. A million things came to my mind. I was always fond of reading. I was in class 8, when out of the blues I declared that I wanted to be a writer. At that time, nobody took it seriously, but assured me that I will achieve this dream one day, so that I don't get disheartened. I tried to write the very same year, but all I could write was crap and trash. I wondered how do people write poems and wondered more that how do people find poems interesting. For I, never found any poem interesting, nor was I interested in writing one. Thinking about the past brought a smile on my face. Isn't it ironical that the girl who never liked poems, is now a poet, and regularly updates her poems on wattpad?

Sorry for the digressions, let me get back to what I meant to say here. What is that which makes one a writer, or a poet? Emotions. Though you can write anything without having experienced it, but to add depth to it, you need to feel it first. In other words, to make others feel, you have to feel it for yourself, first.

Sitting on the chair in front of the study table, with a pen in my hand and a notebook in front of me, is definitely not my thing. I never plan on to write something, it just happens to me. Some friends of mine ask me, "Hey Neha! What are you going to write next?" Frankly speaking, I have absolutely no idea what I will write next. My surroundings, my environment, my thoughts, and most importantly my emotions decide that when and what will I write. I feel something, that feeling takes the form of words, I jot it down, make required changes, edit it, then post it. It's not that whatever I write is related to my own life and my own emotions. Quite a many times, I watch other's lives, feel their sorrows, joys, anxiety, excitement and write it.

Each poem, article, short story, quote, or any other thing that I write here is somehow related to emotions. Our emotions carry the power, both to make us, as well as to break us. Often I find that the write- ups associated with deep emotions, gather more popularity.

Even today, a friend of mine asked me when is my next update scheduled at, and I told him that I have no idea about it. But here I am, now, at 1 O'clock in the night, writing this up, because I felt the urge to write. One thing, I would like to make clear, and that is, I am not telling people to be driven by their emotions in their actions or decisions, what I am trying to convey is : Let your emotions guide your pen. Write what you feel, write how you feel and whatever you write should make the reader feel it. Don't force yourself to write, by forcing yourself, you will only degrade your quality of writing. Write you heart out!

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