Texts- A microtale

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Lazily, she typed an "oh" as a response and hit the send button. "Why do you mostly reply in monotones or in single sentences?", came the reply from him.

An year ago:
"Why do you always write so long texts? Your one single text probably consists of more than 200 words. They are more like an essay.", said the text as her phone buzzed.

"Whatever. I like long texts. I like things to be put up in an elaborate manner. I like it when people tell me things right to the tiniest detail. Apart from that, I also like to express my feelings, my thoughts, my views and opinions as well as I want the other person to understand them correctly too, hence I feel detailing is essential. How can a single 'k' or 'yeah' explain the turmoil that a person is going through? Look, I can say that I love you in one line if I want to but what would be the significance of it if you are not able to feel my feelings. I feel refreshed when I see you smile, I feel a comforting presence when you are near me, I experience a strange kind of happiness in the air when I am talking to you, does the mere utterance of 'I love you' state all these ? NO. To feel what the other person is feeling or to understand him, you need to hear his complete story. A little knowledge is dangerous.", she replied.

"Wow! It took me 'only 5 minutes' to read this one. This one is one of the shortest text of yours that I have ever received." , she giggled as she read his response.

"I just don't like typing a whole paragraph. Dude, I'm lazy.", she texted him back. He was her best friend, so she knew that he wouldn't push the matter further. Maybe that's what best friends are for, to understand the unspeakable.
A year brings about a lot of changes. People change, their habits change, their beliefs change, and their feelings too. Her first love was not a part of her life anymore, nor was her old habit, and nor did she need any of those two.
Those changes which bring positivity in your life are for your own good. Afterall, sending long texts is not good for your fingers, it can have adverse effects on the muscles.
A/N :
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Thanks and regards,
Neha Chandra

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