June 24, 2015

15 1 0

Dear Lavender,

           They say that I have about a month left. Mom broke down when she found out. I don't think George is accepting it. he keeps trying to lighten the mood with lame jokes. I'm back home now. Since there is nothing they can do but give me meds to help with the pain, I chose to stay home till the end. I got a letter in the mail from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. And apparently I have a wish to use. George told me to ask for an unlimited amount of wishes, but I'm pretty sure that isn't how it works. I'm not sure what I'll wish for yet, but I have an idea or two. I hope to see you before it  happens. That is all I really want. I'm thinking about asking George to give you these letters once I'm gone. I really want you to know how I feel about you, even if I don't get to do it in person. I have another doctor's appointment now, so I'll write again soon.

From the twin with a wish,


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