October 16, 2012

13 1 0

Dear Lavender,

           George keeps threatening to tell you that I like you. I knew it wasn't a good idea telling him, but because of the twin oath we took when we were 5, I had no choice. Also when we were ten he didn't threaten me with this. I don't know what I would do if you found out. George says that everyone probably already knows because I'm so obvious about it. But in my opinion I've been really careful not to let my secret slip. At dinner last week George made a comment about you, but I don't think anyone caught on, thankfully. maybe if George told you I would tell Parvati that he likes her. He would hate it if I did that. I actually wouldn't mind if they started dating. If they date and we date, we could double date! Not like that would ever happen though. George could never get a girlfriend. Maybe if he got a little better looking. He should try looking more like me. Then he would get Parvati in a heartbeat. That's all for today, beautiful.

From the better looking twin,


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