February 8, 2015

11 1 0

Dear Lavender,

            I feel like I'm dying. I woke up in the middle of the night, sweating like I ran a marathon. It was strange because I don't think I sleep run. Or at least George hasn't told me that I do. So now I'm stuck at home sick. I'm not complaining that I get to miss school or anything, but I bet you're missing me. I know I miss your smile. If I saw your smile it would make me feel better. That's all the medicine I need. I even got out last years yearbook, so I could look at your beautiful face. I really hope I feel better soon so I can see your face in person, because no picture can do you justice. My mom said that I probably caught the flu from someone at school and that it will take a couple days for me to get better. Make sure George doesn't miss me too much. Just make him sit next to Parvati and he'll be happy. Maybe she'll let him look off her papers like he does on mine. He really needs to be smarter. it looks a little suspicious when we always have the same answers. But I'm pretty sure the teachers know that I'm the smart one. It's pretty obvious in my opinion. But I'll sadly never be as smart as you. Mom's coming to give me some soup. Until next time, Lavender.

From the sicker and smarter twin,


Letters To LavenderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora