June 19, 2009

17 1 0

Dear Lavender,

            I have decided that I love you. Lee told me that if you like someone for more than six months it is love. So I love you. It is scientifically proven. I told George that I loved you and he asked why, like it wasn't obvious. You are the prettiest girl in out class. And you always get all the answers right on our spelling tests! I really like your hair too. It is so curly, it reminds me of spaghetti. I love spaghetti. Who wouldn't love hair that looks like spaghetti? I really hope that you like spaghetti or else we might not work out. I don't think I could have a girlfriend who doesn't like spaghetti. But who doesn't like spaghetti? If they don't, they are crazy! I have decided that once I have enough money, I am going to take you on a date. I don't know what we will do, but it will be awesome sauce. I think it will involve spaghetti. Maybe I will trick George into giving me his allowance! I have to go now, mom is calling me to supper and I think we're having spaghetti!

                                                                                                                                                     From the cuter twin,


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