February 22, 2015

11 1 0

Dear Lavender,

           My doctor told me that I couldn't go to school for another week. That means I'll have missed three weeks of school. They keep saying that it's the flu but my mom's not having it. She's so determined to find out what's really wrong with me. I have another doctor's appointment with my third doctor today. I know he'll say the same thing as the last two. They always seem like they're not telling us everything. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit scared. George has been bringing me my homework and I'm completely lost, and George is no help at all. I wish I had you to tutor me, but mom said I'm not allowed to have people over in case what I have is contagious. So because of that I'm probably going to fail grade 10, haha. But at least I don't have to sit through Mr. Scott's boring history lessons anymore. My mom's calling me for my doctor's appointment. Goodbye, Lavender.

From the failing twin,


P.S. I'd like to clarify that I'm not an alien who got called home. Don't believe anything George tells you

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