I Love You!

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Brock's POV~

We finally reached the hospital after a while and Ash was quickly taken into the operation theater as he had received a heavy blow on the head and his leg. Pikachu was taken by Nurse Joy for some check up. Thank god Misty didn't get seriously hurt anywhere.

She was sitting in a nearby chair with a sad face.

" Misty, are you okay?" She had finally stopped crying now but I could still hear sniffles coming from her.

"Why does this always happen to me, Brock? Why always me? Everyone, whom I love a lot goes away from me! Mom and Dad passed away when I was a small child. Togetic had to go away from me to protect the Mirage Kingdom and the other Togepi. And now, when I finally came to know that Ash loves me back...he- he fell down that cliff!" I could see that she was trying to stay strong as she tried to fight the tears that were threatening to fall.

" That's how life is, Misty. You just shouldn't give up, just like Ash. And he won't give up this time as well, he will be fine. Your love is strong enough to bring him back. " I reassured her.

She nodded.

Just then I realized that we hadn't informed Mrs. Ketchum about Ash.

I went to the nearest video phone after informing Misty. I dialed her number and she picked up on the first ring.

" Hi, Brock! How are you and the others? I hope Ash isn't troubling anyone, " She said with her usually cheerful face but then she noticed my dull expression, " What's wrong Brock? You seem down? Is everything okay?"

"No, Mrs. Ketchum. Ash got into an accident and fell off a cliff... We are in the Viridian Hospital, right now. " I informed her of the news.

" What?!" Her tears were threatening to fall, " I am coming right away!" And the call ended.

I paid for the call and came back to where Misty was sitting. She didn't smile even once since the incident. Let the Mission Smiling Face commence.

" Hey Misty, " She looked at me. " Please don't look sad. You look prettier with a smile on your face."

She looked away. Plan A failed.

" Mistyyy..." She looked at me again. " Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now!" I tried to be funny.

She looked away again. Dang! Plan B failed!

I saw Nurse Joy walking towards us with a fully healed Pikachu in her hands. Time for Plan C

She handed me Pikachu.

"Here you go! He's all healed now!" She said cheerfully.

" Dear Nurse Joy, now that you have healed Pikachu, could you heal me now?" I bent on my knees and held her hand dramatically while she was looking at me confused.

" Why? You look all fine." She replied.

"It is something which cannot be seen, I want you to heal my heart with your love. Will you go out with me tonight? I am free tonight and single." I said dramatically and looked at Misty to see if she noticed.

She smiled.


" Ouch!" I groaned in pain as she slapped me.

"You better find someone else! " She angrily said and stomped away.

I looked at Misty...

...she was laughing! Plan C, successful!

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