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Brock was peeping inside through the door. " Hey guys, if your lovey - dovey scene is over..." I quickly left Ash and straightened myself. "Um... Thank you and Misty your sisters are here to see you. "

" Oh! " I got up and went towards the door.

I turned around and looked at Ash, " Take care! " I then left.

As soon as I came out,

" Like Misty, are you alright? "

"Are you hurt ?"

" How did you like, fall? " All three of my annoying sisters asked at the same time.

"I am fine, guys! I just need to clean myself up! A Rhydon pushed us off the cliff. " I answered.

"Your hands are bruised. Did you like, apply anything on them? " Daisy asked. I shook my head. "Then why are you like here? Let's go home and apply an ointment or something," They pulled me out of the hospital.

" Hey! I don't want to go home yet! Besides we're in the hos-" Lily cut me off before I could complete my sentence.

" Like shut up, Misty! "

"But we're in the hospi-" but I was silenced with a "Shush" from Violet.

I rolled my eyes. We finally came out of the hospital and got into the car. The ride was not what I'd prefer. It was as if they were detectives trying force out information from me.

" You seriously like, kissed him? "

" That's so sweet! "

" My baby sis has finally grown up! " Daisy wiped away a fake tear.

I rolled my eyes.

"But I never thought that you'd kiss anyone... " and the conversation went on and on and on.

We finally reached after an hour what seemed like days.

" I never expected you people to take care of me like this," I confessed to Daisy who had cleaned my bruises and was now applying ointment to my hands.

" Of course we'll take care you baby sis! You're our sister. We took care of since you were a child after mom and dad passed away... " she replied.

" I know... But you know your behavior told me something else... Maybe I was wrong all this time. I love you, sis! " I hugged her really tight and she hugged me back.

When I left her, the ointment had gotten on her dress, " Oops! Sorry, " I apologized.

" You have to be like careful while hugging!" I rolled my eyes. When I just thought that they would care more about me everything went back to how it was.

But I know that they love me a lot!


A two weeks had passed. I visited the hospital every day to meet Ash. He was about to be discharged today.

I got dressed into comfortable clothes and went to the hospital to meet him. I also made hamburgers just for him.

But I was disappointed when I came to know that he had already gone home to Pallet town.

I went back to the Cerulean City gym to battle the few trainers that were about to come today.

But when I reached home, I was quite surprised! The gym had been closed. I went inside the gym with my spare keys to look for my sisters who might have locked the gates. But no one was there.

I went back home to find,

" SURPRISE! " Everyone I knew were present there. Ash, Mrs. Ketchum, Brock, Prof. Oak , Tracey, May, Max, Drew, Dawn, Paul, Iris, Cilian , Serena, Clemont, Bonnie and a few Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys over whom Brock was drooling.

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