The Transformation

Start from the beginning

The silence was horrible. I felt sick. What have I done? My brother's lives might be in danger now because of me. I groaned and hit my head against my hand. Micheal sighed.

"Vanna stop."

"No! I've just put my brothers in danger because of my stupidity because I couldn't control my anger." Micheal put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him through tear strained eyes. Micheal smiled.

"Don't worry Vanna. Me and Tyler are big boys. We can take care of ourselves."

Knock Knock Knock.

I blinked and stared at the door. Micheal looked at Tyler. Tyler shrugged and walked over to the door. Opening the door, he tensed. Micheal walks over to Tyler, putting his hand on his shoulder and smiled at whoever was at the door.

"Sam. What can I do for you?"

"Is Savanna here?" I stood up, curious to know who this Sam person is. Micheal turned to look at me.

"Yes, shes here." Micheal turned back to the door.

"Can we come in? Its really important we speak to her." Micheal bit his lip and sighed. Moving out of the way he opened the door wider.

"Come on in." I watched as seven very tall, tan broad men came through the door. A couple of faces stood out the most.

"Embry? Jake? Jared?" They looked at me. Embry looked pained, Jake looked horrified, Jared looked confused. I smile softly, hoping to get the look off of their faces. I didn't really care about Jake at the moment, but Embry and Jared where like brothers to me now and I hated to see them look so troubled. They just stared at me.

"Sam. Can I ask why you need to speak to my sister." I looked at the guy that came in first. He oozed power. It practically radiated off of him. He towered over Micheal which put me on edge.

"Jacob says your sister isn't human. Is that true?" I gasped and stared at Jacob. My eyes widened in fear. My heart started to beat fast. He told them! I can't believe he told! Tear's filled my eyes and my heart started to shatter.

"Of course shes human! What kind of question is that!" Micheal's voice rang with power. I could detect the hint of anger in his voice.

"Just a question. Now you must know. If we find out shes not human we will be forced to kill her." Tyler growled and stood in front of me. I hadn't even noticed he was beside me.

"You touch my sister and ill rip you to shreds!" I said nothing. I felt numb. My body felt like it was getting colder. My eyes were locked on Jacob. Why would he do this to me? I know I scared him, but why would he tell?! Tears carelessly spilled out of my eyes.

"Vanna. Don't cry." I looked over to Embry. He looked so sad. I sniffled, my body started shaking. Anger bubbled up inside of me. Calm down Vanna! Now is not the time to get angry! The smarter part of me yelled in my head. Come on Vanna. Let the anger consume you. Think of what he did. He abanded you for another her, he told your secret to his friends. He deserves your wrath. That voice was darker, more seductive. The evil was clear in its words. I felt myself start to give in to the darker voice. No! Savanna! Do not give in! The voice sounded fartehr away now. The darker voice was more clear. Blinking I hadn't realized that everyone was staring at me.

Turning to Jacob I glared. He backed away alittle, fear still evident in his eyes. That only fueled my anger more. I growled.

"How could you Jake!" His eyes darted all around the room. I could see him tense ever so slowly. I bared my teeth at him and hissed.

"How could you betray me Jacob!" My voice echoed through the house. He looked at me and backed up farther.

"Savanna! Calm down!" Micheal's voice yelled at me. I hissed and glared at him.

"I will not be silenced!" My voice started to change to the darker voice that was just in my head.

"Savanna Tenay Luka! You will do as I say!" I narrowed my eyes. I could feel the transformation coming. My body temperature kept shifting from hot to cold, my canine teeth grew longer along with my nails. My eyes shifted to the natural golden color, looking more feline then human. My hair crackled with the normal electricity that seemed to course through my body. What happened next was not what I was expecting though. My head started to pound. It sounded like sirens where going off in my head. I dropped to my knees and clutched my head.

My screams where something you'd hear in a scary movie. Loud blood curdling screams came out of my mouth. My head felt like it was on fire. I hunched over and gripped my head harder.

"Savanna! Whats wrong!?" Embry's voice sounded so far away but loud at the same time. A ripping sound echoed throught the house, making everyone go quiet. I scream bloody murder as I felt bones shift and peirce my skull. I don't know when I started crying, but heart wrenching sob's racked through my body. Everyone crowded around me, trying to see what was going on.

My head felt like it was on fire. Thunder crackled outside with such an intensity that I wondered if their was in a whole in the ground where it hit. The wind had picked up too. It beat against the house. My body was tense as the bones moved from inside of me to the top of my head. I let out one more blood curdling scream before the pain stopped.

It was quiet. No one spoke, no one breathed. All that could be heard was the panting of my breath. My eyes started to flutter close and I tried desperatly to keep them open. It was no use though. My eyes snapped shut and the darkness consumed me.

::Mystery POV::

"Heh so she's finally finished her transformation. Well this is going to be interesting." Turning away from the house I walk through the woods and into the small clearing. Sighing i rolled my eyes and crossed my arm.

"Victoria! Hurry up with your meal would you!" She growled and looked up at me, her red hair flowing behind her. Smirking I walk over to her and take her hand, pulling her up and close to me. She giggles and trail her fingers down my chest. Groaning I pull her closer and kiss her.

The kiss was full of lust and passion, making my very core ache. Pulling away I grip her chin and take deep breaths.

"You have another month to round up your vampire army." Letting go of her face I turn around and start walking.

"You better have it done in a month. Now that Savanna has reached her full transformation shes even more dangerous and powerful. Its going to be hard to take her down but we can do it as long as you have your army ready." With that I walked out of the woods that faced Savanna's house and smirk.

Ill finally get to live up to the promise I made to her. By the end of next month she and her brothers will be dead.


Dum Dum DUM!! :D LOL! So how was it? Comment and tell me what you think! 

Her full transformation pic is on the side! Yes I know tht the girl is an anime person but its the only thing I could think of to find out what she looks like!

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