Chapter 3 The sorting

Start from the beginning

I am too drunk to care that the hat can talk.

‘I see you have great bravery, even if you had help, telling you father he was your dad took a lot of courage, however you are also ambitious. You tried to become an S-class wizard to impress your father. You have a tendency to drink too much. But the alcohol cannot hide your clever mind. For that I put you in…’ “RAVENCLAW!”

The last part was spoken aloud.

I take a seat across from Yukino.


Sherria POV

“Blendy, Sherria.”

I gulp and head forward.

'You have a kind heart, however you also strive to better yourself as well as those around you. You are fair and clever. Very witty too.' “ RAVENCLAW!”

I head over to the Ravenclaw table and I sit next to Cana who swings her arm over my shoulder.


Rogue POV

“Cheney, Rogue.”

I take my time making my way to the sorting hat.

'You are a very ambitious young man' the hat tells me. I'm not even surprised it can talk. 'You care for your friends. You are shrewd and cunning. I place you in’ “ SLYTHERIN!”

I'm not really surprised. I spot an open area where all the other kids seem to be avoiding two boys. I sit across from them.

“Hi. My name is Rogue.’



“GRYFFINDOR!” I turn back to the sorting. The little boy, Romeo, I think is his name, just got sorted.


Natsu POV

“Dragneel, Natsu.”

I race to the stool and take a seat. I can hear chuckling at my antics but I ignored them.

'You are impulsive and don't think things through. You also have unwavering loyalty to your friends and allies. The loyalty you hold inside yourself is immense’ I don't know what immense means but it sound good. I smile. “HUFFLEPUFF!”


Sting POV

“Eucliffe, Sting.”

I stride over to get sorted.

'You are ambitious. You are loyal to your friends, even if you just recently learned the value of loyalty. You are cunning and arrogant. But, you are also very brave and courageous. The choice seems to be…’ “GRYFFINDOR!”

I take a seat next to Romeo.


Gray POV

“Fullbuster, Gray.”

'You are a good friend. You are brave as well. However, you are extremely cunning. Ambitious too.’ “SLYTHERIN!”

I take a seat next to Rogue.


Lucy POV

“Heartfilia, Lucy.”

I walk hesitantly to the stool. I sit down. The hat is placed on my head.

'Very loyal I see.’

I hold back a squeak. The hat can talk!

'However you are also brave. You have a good head on your shoulders. Yes, indeed you are quite cunning. You are very ambitious too! I know just where to put you.’ “SLYTHERIN!”

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