Nervous For No Reason(chapter twenty-seven)

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It has been two days since Dylan proposed to me and I still haven't told my mom, it's not that I'm scared to tell her it's just that I don't know how to. I just got out of the shower and I slipped my robe on I went into mine and Dylan's room and saw Sarge sleeping on our bed, I went over to him and he put his head in my lap and I patted his head.

"Sarge how am I going to tell her today?"

He looked up at me and just tilted his head to the side and put his ears up. Just then I felt arms around my waist and lips on my cheek it made me jump a little bit, I looked up and saw Dylan smiling at me.

"Did I scare you angel?"

"Yeah a little bit."

"You okay you seem a little out there right now."

"Yeah just thinking of ways to tell my mom."

"Don't sweat it babe, she will be happy for the both of us."

"I know she will, but we have been engaged for two days and I still haven't told her."

"Because we haven't left the house."

"I know but still."

Dylan got up and sat in front of me and took my cheeks in his hands.

"Baby look at me she will understand and she will be happy for the both of us angel, do not stress yourself."

"I'm so glad I had you in my life."

"I'm the lucky one."

I kissed him and he got up and went downstairs, I got up and put on skinny jeans, a simple purple v-neck, black vans, and a high ponytail with some makeup.

I walked downstairs and me and Dylan walked out to his car, we could hear Sarge barking and whining . His mom opened the door and Sarge sat there and looked at us.

"He is wanting his mommy."

I looked over at Dylan.

"Please babe let him come he misses me."

"Baby, I don't know..."

"Look at him he is crying for us."

He looked over at him and sighed.

"Okay fine."

"Come on baby boy!" Sarge ran over and jumped in the back of the range rover, we got in and I kissed Dylan.

We finally got to my moms house when we pulled up that's when I started to get real nervous, I guess Dylan could tell bear he took my hand and kissed my cheek.

"Baby, it will be okay I promise, me and Sarge are here we will help you."

"Thanks baby."

I leaned over and kissed him, we got out and I let Sarge out we got to the front door and I walked in.

"Mom, where are you?"

"In the livingroom. Is Dylan with you?"

"Yeah and so is Sarge."

We walked in she was on her IPad and got up and gave me a hug and a kiss.

"Hi sweetie, how are you?"

"I'm good mom."

"Dylan how are you?"

"I'm fine ms.hensley."

"Dylan you know you can call me Lisa. Do you guys want something to drink?"

"I'm fine mom."

"Can I get some water for me and Sarge?"

"Yeah sweetie."

Dylan and Sarge walked in the kitchen so that just left me and my mom.

"Anna what's wrong?"


"Don't lie, I can tell you are looking around and really quite."

"Mom, I have something to tell you."

"What is it? Are you okay? Are you pregnant?"

"No mom I'm not pregnant."

Dylan and Sarge walked back in here with us and he sat by me and put his arm around me, Sarge put his head in my moms lap.

"Okay then what is it?"

"Mom.... Dylan asked.... to marry me.."

"What did you say?"

"Were in engaged now..."

"What really?!? Oh my gosh that is so amazing! I can't believe it!"

"So your happy for us?"

"Yes! Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know I was just nervous to tell you."

"Oh honey come here."

My mom gave me a hug and I teared up and she started crying.

"Look at me Angel, you are so lucky to find him."

"I know mom."

"And Dylan please take care of her."

"Don't worry Lisa I don't want to ever let her go."

She got up and gave him a hug. I'm so glad that went better than what I was thinking.

xoxox next chapter will be the last!

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