It's Over (chapter twenty-one)

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I woke up to an empty bed I looked around for Dylan but couldn't find him I looked at my phone it was 10:00am, I got up and put my hair in a messy bun and walked downstairs to see if he was there. I heard someone singing from the bathroom I knew it was Dylan I opened the door quietly and saw him singing with a guitar and a camera and laptop, he was singing a Justin Bieber song I guess he saw me in the camera because he stopped and turned around.

"I'm sorry baby, keep singing. You are amazing at it." "I will finish it later I just didn't want to wake you up." I walked in and kissed his cheek. "And that is why I love you." "Why because I can sing?" "No because, you are so sweet and care." He got up and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.

We walked out to his livingroom and sat on his couch and watched a few shows "where is you mom and dad babe?" "I think they are Christmas shopping." "Damn that is what I need to do." "You have all the time to do so babe." I got out my phone and looked at my calendar Dylan made a huff sound and took his arm off of me. "Babe what is wrong?" "Nothing you are just always on you phone. Can't you just put it up?" "Well it's not that easy for me, like it is for you to Dylan. You know this." "Yeah you are a model." He rolled his eyes and looked away. "What is your deal?" "I'm just tired of coming second to your busy life." "Well you have been with me for a year now Dylan did you honestly think it was going to get less busy?" He looked away from me and crosses his arms he didn't say anything to me. I moved over to the other side of the couch, and Dylan was huffing the whole time.

"Why do you do this?" "Do what?" "You say you can't stand coming second and I'm trying to balance everything out but everything I do doesn't make you happy. So why do you keep me around?" "Because I love you. And want this all to change where I'm first." "Dylan this is my job, my life, my dream. You're asking me to give it up... And I can't do it." "So I guess this is it then?" "So what were over?" "Yeah.. I think so.." Tears formed in my eyes I walked upstairs and got my things and when I came downstairs I was trying to hold back all my tears. I looked over at Dylan who didn't seem to be phased "so this is it uh?" "What is it?" "A full year of us and you are ready to give up when I look at me phone" "Anna, this is hurting me too." "Don't seem like it." "IT IS DAMNIT! CAN'T YOU SEE THIS!!" "You were the one who broke up with me!" "I know so just leave!" "I am bye Dylan." I walked out with tears in my eyes and couldn't believe he broke up with me. How could he do this to me I love him and I thought he did too... I guess not.

Awe poor Anna. I wonder why Dylan did this.

xoxox lots of love.

*completed*Give your heart a break (Dylan Holland love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora