15. A Dangerous Path

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Talon may as well be a marble pillar for all the emotion he shows. He rarely speaks apart from ordering Nura to lift her arm or turn her head as he helps clean and bandage her wounds. Nura lets him help, too shaken to have steady fingers at the moment.

Talon is an Ice Elf. She's known the whole time, his looks are evident enough of that, but he's an Ice Elf. The powers he displayed...

Nura sucks in a breath and she's not sure if it's because Talon dabs at the deep laceration on her head, or the thoughts of him unleashing his powers.

She's never seen such a display before, she only had to heal the aftereffects of such devastating magic. Even then, it wasn't like that. Freezing an entire group of men in one breath and not even being exhausted because of it. Magic takes a lot out of someone, even the most powerful Elves have to practice restraint for fear of tumbling into unconsciousness. She knows that much from her teachings in the war.

Nura closes her eyes, her stomach tying in knots with each thought that surfaces.

"I'm not going back to Aurmir's," Nura says, trying to focus on something apart from the mystery surrounding the man before her.

Talon's fingers pause at the wound on her temple and his cold eyes bore into hers. "I don't remember giving you another option," he replies and Nura glares at him.

"The Witch Hunters found me even in the Elven lands. I'm not putting Aurmir at risk. My best hope is to continue going north."

"What do you hope to find in the north?" he asks, his voice a low hum as he sits back and pours water from a flask over his bloodied hands.

"My husband."

Talon shakes his head, his snowy hair draping into his eyes. "Sworn Elves, you mean. You believe they're the ones who have Rephas."

"I know that are," Nura snaps through gritted teeth, her fingers tightening in the fabric of her cloak.

"Then there's little hope of getting him back. Kepfew isn't an overly welcoming place."

Nura's eyes widen. "Kepfew? They took him to Hold Kepfew?"

Talon doesn't reply, instead he wipes his hands on a cloth and stands.

Kepfew, the centre of Cirallian. The Dark King fought with everything he had to take the fortified city, but that place was built to withstand the full might of an assault. Sworn Elves are the Elven Empire's military strength and that's where most of them reside. If they've taken Rephas into the city then getting him back out will be near impossible.

But such a thing won't deter Nura from getting her husband back.

"You'll take me to Kepfew and you'll help me get Rephas back," she says.

Talon's movements still once again, the only indication Nura has that her words affect him as his features remain neutral. "Will I?" Talon bends to gather their supplies and pack them away.

"Yes. You're clearly a capable fighter and know more about these people than I do, so you'll help me."

"A few hours ago you were abandoning my help to go at it alone." Talon glances down at her from the corner of his eyes. "What makes you think you can demand my help after that?"

Nura swallows and brings her knees to her chest, his icy regard pricking her skin. "Because with or without you, I'm going after my husband, and with you I might have a chance of survival." She meets his eyes, not allowing herself to bulk under his indifference. "And you made a promise to my husband to protect me, one I know you intend to keep for whatever reason."

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