The Touch of a Soulmate

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A/N: This takes place in 6x10 when Emma and Regina are trying to get back to Storybrooke with their magic bean... WhEn A CeRtAiN BrItIsH ThIeF dEciDeS tO rOb ThEm.

Also, A soulmate and a true love are two DIFFERENT thing. If you want me to clarify what I mean simply ask.

I'm curious, for two things.

1. I want to know what you guys think I look like. Comment and tell me what you guys think I look like, maybe even my personality. I might even do a face reveal if you guys ask politely.

2. If you have a fan-account, (on Instagram.) What is it? I'll tell you if I follow you.


The magic bean hits the rocky ground with a little titter-tatter. A swirling vortex of green smoke spews from the small bean.

"Ready?" Emma asks, holding out her hand so they could both be transported to Storybrooke. Regina nobs, she was about to grasp the blonde's hand when a whizzing arrow zooms past them. Lodging itself into a dead tree next to the pair, follows by another.

Emma squeaks as they both hit the deck, looking at the arrows and then to the shooter.

"Not another step ladies." A familiar British accented voice calls from behind. Regina's heart stops, "No...." she breaths, standing up slowly. "It can't be."

Robin. Her Robin. Her soulmate, the man she had watch die weeks ago was standing right in front of her.

"This is a robbery." He says, holding his bow, ready to fire.

Slowly, Regina finds herself walking toward him. "Regina...." Emma breaths from behind her. "Lets go. Off with the jewelry." Robin demands.

"Robin?" Regina releases a breath, that she hadn't realized she'd been holding. She hadn't been breathing since Robin's death, and now it was like, just the sight of him resuscitated her.

"Remember what you said he's not real." Emma exclaims. But, Regina wasn't listening. She was barely even thinking, her body was moving itself towards Robin, almost as if he had his own gravity, and she was the only thing begin affected by it. "He's not real!"

"Robin." Regina whispers again, slowly, walking towards him. She was afraid that he wasn't real. She was scared that it was all some cruel joke. But, she was euphoric to see him. When Robin died she died. She thought she would never get to see him again, never talk to him, never touch him, never kiss him. Nothing.

Robin advances towards them, bow still in hand, arrow still loaded. A determined look on his face.

"Regina," Emma calls, "We've got to go!"

Cold salt-water waves lapped on the shore with a soft ripple. Wind blew through the air, ruffling Regina's hair. Emma was talking behind them. And, the portal was slowly closing. But Regina didn't care, her only focus was Robin. This hair was brown instead of Sandy blonde, and it was cut differently, but I was still Robin.

A small tearful smile peeks its way onto Regina's lips. She takes a step closer, Robin tightens his bow, his body tense. But, Regina didn't care, hesitantly she reaches out, her hand slowly coming to rest on Robin's cheek.

Robin's pop open, the bow and arrow clatter to the floor. He staggers backwards, slumping forward slightly, his hands on his knees. His breath sped up as images, no memories, memories that he had never lived of an Ebony haired woman. A town called Storybrooke, a visit to the Underworld, kissing the woman in front of him, loving her. Laughing with her, adoring her smile. Waking up next to her. Falling in love with her all over again everyday.

They're thousands of realms, and for each of those realms there are thousands of millions parallel universes. In one universe, your true love can be one person, but in another your true love could be another. You could absolutely despise someone in one universe but be madly in love with the same person in another. The possibilities are endless. But, one thing that is always constant through every realm and through every universe is your soulmate. You're soulmate, no matter what, will always be your soulmate, nothing can change that. There just so happens to be this funny little thing about soulmates; if you lose your soulmate in your universe and somehow manage to travel to another, one touch, one single touch and you're soulmate will remember everything about you from they're parallel self.

Robin gasps, his vision clearing. Slowly he straightens himself, looking into those familiar brown orbs. "Regina...?" He breaths, not really believing what just happened. "Robin?" Regina's voice cracks as his name leaves her lips.

A smile creeps into Robin's face as he takes a step forward. Robin crashes into her, his hands gripping Regina's waist and he lifts her up. Regina squeals in excitement, her hands cupping Robin's cheeks, tears streaming down her own as he spins her around. Regina presses a loving and passionate kiss to Robin's lips, something she thought she'd never be able to do.

"REGINA! WE HAVE TO GO!" Emma yells. Robin sets Regina down, and she grabs his hand, pulling him towards the green portal. She grabs Emma's hand and says, "Think Storybrooke!" Before jumping into the closing portal.


The portal spews the trio out, and Regina lands on a soft cushion. A small groan emanates from a familiar Brit. Regina looks up and sees Robin looking down at her, tears start to stream down her cheeks all over again.

And, again, Regina kisses him, her soulmate. Her Robin. He was back and in her arms, and that's all that mattered.


A/N: Make sure to answer the two questions at the top.

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GUYS! I'm so close to 300 followers! If you're not following me please do! I want to get 300 before Christmas!

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