He woots,"Sure! Be there in a bit!" He hangs up, and I call out last friend, Lynn. She is Shaunas younger sister, but she is really chill and kinda scary. We all love her though.

Hers only rings for a few seconds before she answers,"Yah need something?" "Yah, we are having a pizza pool party. Come on over." She makes that 'hmmmm' noise.

"Where is it?"
"Fine. Be there soon. I'm not paying for anything."

I laugh when she hangs up. Lynn is like the sister everybody wants.

I run upstairs to Shauna's room, and go through her closet. I find a ben of swimsuits, and choose a simple lavender bikini with a lace pattern over the cleavage. Cute, and simple. Like me, without the cute part. Once you get to know me, I'm not all angels and roses. At least that's what I've been told.

Shauna walks in right after I am changed and pulled my ponytail up. She wiggles her eyebrows,"H. O. T." I laugh, twirling and posing playfully.

She laughs, and goes in the closet to get her own swimsuit.

I head downstairs to wait for the others. I know it's only been, maybe, ten minutes, but I still want to be right there when they come.

Quicker than I expected, the doorbell rings. I jump up, excited to finally have all of us together for once.

I swing the door open, only to reveal the pizza guy. I sigh. He chuckles, a little creepily. "I usually get a better reaction!"

I glance at his nametag "Well, Eric, how much was all that pizza?" He looks me up and down,"On me, gorgeous." I smile,"Thanks, that's so sweet."

Priscilla grab the boxes from him, and heads over to the room with the pool. I smile, and almost close the door when he grabs my arm.

"What's wrong princess? No gratitude?" I nervously try to pull away,"Please. Don't." A purely evil grin spreads across his face. "I said. I want. My gratitude."

He yanks my arm and slams me against the brick wall outside. I scream, and wince, the pain from my head making me a little dizzy. "Please!" I beg.

He slams the door shut so nobody inside can get to us. "Now. Give me my gratitude Tris, or I will take it."

I press my lips in a firm line, and shake my head no. I am not going to give in, ever. He smirks,"Ok. You made your decision." He grabs my hair and pulls it up, hitting my head on the bricks again.

I scream, my scalp is sure to be bruised. He slaps me for making a noise, and I wince again. "Please! Please Eric! Why are you being so cruel!"

He chuckles, "I'm a man, I get what I w-" before he can finish, Eric's body is torn off me. I breath out heavily, and sink to the floor. I feel like a flood of tears comes from my eyes.

I look up, to find my rescuer. Four. With one swift punch and a crack of Eric's nose, he's off in his car and gone. I shaking stand up, and before Four can say anything, give him a bear hug. He just saved me. I knew this stuff happened before in LA, but it has never happened to me before.

"It's ok Tris. Its ok." He says, holding me back. I am probably staining his shirt with mascara tears.

The door swings open behind me, at about the same time Christinas car comes up. Shauna screams,"What I'm the hell just happened!"

I slow my breathing, "W- We should go inside. You t- too Four."  Christina is just walking up as we go inside, so she follows. I glance at Fours shirt. Yup, mascara stains.

Four puts an arm around me as we walk to the couch, for support. Every one gets seated, and as we do, Will and Lynn walk in.

When they see us Lynn immediately says,"What's the sap story, and who is that?" I laugh, a little, trying to find anything happy.

"Th- that pizza guy was an ass. He pulled me outside and sh- shut the door and slammed me on the bricks. He was trying to k-kiss me. When I wouldn't let him and screamed, he slapped m-me. That's when Four came. He saved me." I sniffle when I'm talking, making me stutter.

Shauna and Christina immediately hug me, to which I tell out in pain. "Tris, your head is bleeding." Four says.  I sigh,"Do you guys think you can just get me to urgent care without being recognized? All I need is stitches.

Shauna shrugs, that look of pity still on her face. I hate pity. "I'm sure we could just put you in a wig and sunglasses and you'd be fine."

I nod,"That would be great. And by the  way, how could this have happened on the one day there aren't paparazzi surrounding your house, Shauna?"

"That pizza guy must've threatened them." I find that pretty easy to beleive. With a quick shirt and pants tossed on, and a little 'costume' change, I'm off to get stitches from the first time I got hurt from fame.

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