#1 The prophecy

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It's all because of a stupid prophecy, and my life come into a ruin!


It's all begin on the day just like today. I still remember about it perfectly.  

I was five, and I was playing bricks with my three year old sister. The bell rang and I ran to open the door. It was storming outside. I could not see the sun even though it was still four in the afternoon, but my eyes were focused on was the old man standing on our porch. He was old, all of his hair has gone white, but his eyes were those of children, gleaming and excited. 

"Who is it, dear?" I could hear ma's footstep not far away. Seconds later, I heard her gasped.  

"How may we help you, Ancient One?" I heard da say, even thought his voice was filled with unfamiliar bewilderment. 

"Behold!" the old man said. "Your son is the chosen one! One day he will be the one who restore our people to its glory! He will be a witch that need no spell! His power will dwarf all the existance, and people will bow to him and say his name in awe." 

My memory about how my parent reacted was hazy, but I could still remember how the conversation went. Da and Ma asked him to came in and talked about the said prophecy in detail, but he declined and said that so many Wiccans are yet to know about the news of this chosen one. Next, da and ma begged and coaxed him into advising about what they should do. 

"Protect him." He said. "It will take time for him to grow, rise into his power, and hopefully fulfill the prophecy. Until then, I don't think our enemies will wait patiently without a move or two from their side." 

And so he said. And he was gone. 

Late that night when I woke up to pee, I heard my parent talk. Ma said that It was positive (something that I didn't understand what it means until much much later), and da sighed. "So it will be the little one, after all." 

I really didn't understand about what da talked about, nor about the whole business of the prophecy and the chosen one, but then that day was the last day that my little sister, Bec, and me having our kind and caring parents...

Chapter 1 

I woke up to my phone alarm blaring. It has been a long time since I dreamed about the past time. I shuddered. Dreaming of past time on my first day to in this new school? Great, my new classmate will surely love me. 

Stepping inside the bathroom, I was almost ashamed with my dishveled state. My curly black hair that girls used to say gorgeous is just like a bird nest, my green eyes not focusing, and a very noticeable two days old hickeys on my neck and chest. I cursed when I see the marks that my last girlfriend left. Whatever, I never like her very much. Perhaps it her annoying shrilly voice, but perhaps her annoying bleached blond hairs. 

Forget it, I chastised myself. We moved. Again. I was not going to see her in a near future. Well, may be never ever again. It was good enough while it last. Time to find new girl. Cornseed Valley may be small, but I don't think that they don't produce any beautiful, unshrilly girl.

After a session of good bath and shaving I went downstairs. My nose was treated by bacon. I found Bec in the kitchen, preparing our breakfast. Today, she let down her hair.

A rare thing, since she hated her red hair. It doesn't help that she think that she got it from our annoying, now deceased grandfather. Her only consolation is that we seem to share same eye color.

"I like the eggs rare." I said while fingering the blackened side of the sunny sided egg 

"That," she said while giving me a meaningful look "make us two, Dave." 

I sighed. "So da and ma has been up to it last night too, huh?" 

She shrugged. "You knew the answer to that, didn't you?" 

"Alright," I nodded, "stupid question. So where is Rob?" 

"Another stupid question," she said while sitting down for her breakfast. "He's been in 'it' all night long with da and ma, I don't expect him to wake before we come home." 

I gulped down my charcoaly egg. "I knew, what I mean is... well, since its my first day in junior year and your first day in high school, it should be his first day in middle school so..." I let my sentence hung. Bec always understand me. 

"Seems that ma decided even in here school is not save enough. They will continue to home school him." 

It always nudged my how protective my parents are.To think that I barely escaped being subject to those protectivity, I really have to thank the old man for not coming to tell the prophecy five years earlier. But after another thinking, probably not. My youngest sibling, Robert, is the chosen one, that's why the old man came that day, it will not do if he came earlier because my parents are likely being confused between the two of us. 

"I though that they were having all night long ceremony to protect him for his first day at school." I said while cleaning up my mess. I'm the one who make it, so it will not do if I leave Bec to clean up after me. Not after she is the one who prepare it. I might even clean up hers if she let me, i think. 

"Apparently we're nearing another Sabbath, so they're just preparing." She said between her bacon. 

"Ugh" I said. Another reason I should be thankful for I'm not the chosen one. In Wicca, you've got eight or ten sabbath all year round, so you will be kinda busy preparing this and that. I don't know, my parents priority is Robert, he should train a lot to became a good witch, strong one worthy to be the chosen one. That's why though we're from wiccan family, Bec and me knew nothing about our religion. Heck, I don't even know if we could call it our religion. 

I slung up my backpack. Bec won't let me clean hers after all. "Come on, we're getting late." 

She looked at me and raise an eyebrow. "The bell won't rang for another one and half an hour. We've got a plenty time even if we walk to school." 

"No harm done by being early." I shrugged. I took father's car keys. My guess is same as Bec, they won't be awake for hours. So what's wrong with going to school with style for our first day?


Chapter 2 Coming Soon! 

I know this story seems weird, but the witches really fascinated me, and witch hunt seems so cruel. That's why I always think what if witches come ino power and set into revenge? So that's how this story born. 

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