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     Author's Note: This is a fan fiction of One piece. It won't revolve around the Luffy's, Trafalgar's or any of the One Piece crews but you will have bits of them in here. You know the usual "I have no rights to any of the One Piece characters but my own characters are mine..." blah blah blah you all know it. But comment! Vote! especially comment! I love to know what you think!

Chapter 1

      I waltzed through the streets, wondering about what could catch my attention. The sun was finally setting on this uneventful day and I wanted at least one memorable moment. I sighed looking at all the mediocre shops in this two star town. Even the men and women were below average, unable to give me the tiniest shred of entertainment.

     "Hey! You therrre!" I felt a strong grip around my arm but I let it stay even as I was yanked to face the man who called out to me. The foolish man who had dared lay a hand on me was middle aged, tall and obviously arrogant but the only thing I could focus on was the stench of booze on his breath. "I musshht have shheen you around shhome where. Yoou look sho familiar." He chuckled even as he slurred his words. I sighed noticing a few of his friends encouraging him, just as intoxicated as he was.

     "Is that so?" He must have picked up on the boredom lacing my tone because his grip tightened. "And where is it that you have seen me, sir?" I watched his face closely as his alcohol muddled brain tried to place my face. It was true. This man did know me despite the fact that we had never met before this night. "Not ringing a bell?" He and his friends all snickered at my condescending tone but I just couldn't help it. These men were all so boring.

     "D-don't talk to me like," He paused as if struggling with his words. It was obviously clear that he had a few pints too many and for some reason convinced himself that I owed him anything. Tsk. "I'm stupid." I rapidly blinded a few times times as his slow speech separated the two parts of his comment.

     "But I'm afraid you are." His face contorted in rage at my insult but it didn't bother me in the slightest. "Now I'll have to insist the removal of your hand." I smiled up at him patronizingly. The drunk seemed put off by my smile which probably meant the lush thought it was a friendly smile.

     "M'lady." I looked behind me to see a familiar blond head of hair. "Must you play with them?" I sighed pulling out of the man's grip easily enough. "We have to be going now." I nodded and turned back to the man that staggered forward to grab my wrist again. I gave him a forceful shove which broke the grip he had on me and sent him stumbling back into his group of friends. I inspected my wrist while walking over to Nicholas' side without so much as a glance at the idiots.

     "Don't ignnore me, bitchhh." The second the insult left his lips, a dark aura filled the air. I wanted to remind Nicholas that he was the one that said we had to leave but as he balled his fists, I knew it'd do no good.

     "Care to repeat that?" The men had all stopped chattering and turned to see who had spoken. They all stared at Nicholas, most likely having not noticed who he was. That is why I hated arrogant drunks. They never knew their place- until it was too late anyways.

     "You heard me! Bitchesss like her can't jusst ignore us." I took a seat on a near by crate and just watched as the foolish man further pissed off Nicholas. I rested my head on my hand as he drew his sword in his rage.

     "I could over look your arrogance seeing as you're a drunk fool but I can't accept you disrespecting my captain." I didn't bother watching any more of it because I knew how it would end. It was times like these when I wished I hadn't damaged my whip beyond repair. I looked up at the night sky as the men's shouts grew confident. That was until a random by stander spotted Nicholas.

     "Oh my god! That's Prince Nicholas!" I groaned at the feminine squeal

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     "Oh my god! That's Prince Nicholas!" I groaned at the feminine squeal. I could make out rapid footsteps as who ever spotted him rushed up. "It is you! Oh the posters don't do you justice." I sat up seeing two women crowding around a smiling Nicholas. I could tell by the fist still gripping his sword that he was frustrated.

     "Wait that's Prince Nicholas?!" Our attention returned to the drunken men as they visibly shook in their boots. "Does that mean s-she's the-" They all met my eyes and in a flash they turned tail and retreated down an alleyway.

     "Seems our fame had reached this far at least." Nicholas politely shook the women off of him and had taken the spot next to me. "Shall we?" I nodded and took his hand as he helped me slide off the old crate.

     "You didn't need to come for me. I was just heading back to the docks before this happened." He placed the blood red hat on my head with a small chuckle.

     "And if I had not come who would have saved those men from you?" I wanted to point out that he had been ready to slaughter the whole lot if those women had not intervened but it would be a waste of time. If he wasn't about to kill those idiots I would have done it myself.

     "Is the boat ready?" I glanced down at my slightly worn boots as we strolled down the dimly lit street. My dress swayed as the wind blew but it was warm so I didn't mind.

     "Yes but we can't leave until morning. The marines have taken harbor for the night so the docks are swarming with them." I scowled at the mention of those dogs. I had planned to leave as soon as we were ready but with marines at the docks we had no choice. I'd rather not waste energy dealing with a bunch of ants. That would only tip off government headquarters. "Shall we have dinner?" I already knew there was a smirk on his face.

     "You know I'd never pass up a meal." He laughed, the earlier confrontation long forgotten.

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