22/11/16 entry #39 A special day for special people

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Well next Tuesday the 29th of November is two special days. My little brothers birthday he will be seven on that day (I barely see him *frowns*) I love him alot but won't see him. I love him though I love all my siblings, I love them alot so I hope he has a brilliant day!
     Though it's another important day on that day at 10AM I have another appointment with the psychologist! Another appointment means further transition more sensitive questions will be asked. I can deal with it though I'm excited to find out what will happen next. The counsellor has high hopes for me as she said "most people your age are ready to start hormones soon after the appointments with the psychologist". So hopefully it works out the way I want it too I'm hoping soon that I will be on testosterone as soon as! Anyway that's the news so far more updates will be posted once the assessment is done. Thanks for all the support readers and be true to yourself! *waves* Blayse away to happy land hehe~

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