10/12/15 entry #16 the menstrual cycle -_-

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Well I am menstruating not that you guys needed to know that but what you do need to know is it depresses me. Well you probably don't wanna know that because usually I'm quite a happy guy but when this happens I ain't.
Here are some reasons why this makes me an unhappy guy:

1. Men shouldn't have periods, this makes me very gender dysphoric.

2. I cannot wear boxers or pack, sure I could stick a tampon up there but that'll make me feel even worse.

3. Last but not least no one likes freakin periods! I have never met anyone to say "guess who's having their period!? Its so freakin amazing!" If u have heard someone say that comment in the comments section aha :P.

And those are reasons why I have such hatred for periods *smiles*.

*Facepalms* I can't believe I'm actually gonna publish this chapter! But it's part of my life and that's what you readers wanna read about *smiles*.
Oh damn I forgot to tell you guys I got my binder like a month ago! Oops :/ anyway it feels better now I have it *smiles* and thanks again for reading!

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