10/4/16 entry #30 LETS START A RIOT!

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Well there has been shit stirring and lying and bitching and nothing but trouble.Michael wanted a fight last night so I give him a playfight and apparently I was bleeding and crying because he broke my tendon...biggest bullshit lie I have ever heard in my life! *laughs* nothing is wrong with me apart from a bruised shin and a graze.
I shoved him into a bus shelter and I won the fight he stopped it.So I don't see why he was being like tht and I'm sorry calling my trans woman friend a 'MAN?' That isn't fucking nice! He didn't like it when he got called a girl so how dare they how fucking dare they call her a MAN!? I'd like to see them try and say it to her face Michael she would fucking destroy you! And if I see you call my friend stripey or like a tiger again coz of her self harm and if you call my other friend a 'MAN' again I will not hesitate...I hope you can fucking read this you ungrateful prick!

*realises reader is still here* Oh shit sorry bout that guess you now know how angry I am. Oh yes am I angry I will not tolerate bullying oh no, no,no bullies will get their asses kicked.I want a good birthday so hopefully everything runs smoothly *smirks* Blaysey boy out!

P.S. My night was better than this before I found this shit out I was at Lazer tag in Braehead and played pool. Also Micky wants me to give him the t-shirt he gave me as a gift back.Personally my views on gifts are if you give someone something you DO NOT get it back.Because of his age I have been told to give it back thanks for being fourteen moron I liked that slipknot t-shirt!

(No offense to younger readers this isn't personal to you it is personal to the ex bf only and the last boyfriend ever we cool? :3)

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