21/2/14 entry #26 People are so ignorant like wtf?

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I hate it when people are constantly wanting to know your gender, what's in your pants etc. It fucking sucks ok if someone has a problem just shut the fuck up and get on with your life because I don't wanna be a part of it To be honest. When people rip the shit out of your new name and talk about your old name is like "that person didn't exist now stop talking about her". Jeez I feel like I'm on that family guy episode "what grinds my gears" *chuckles*.
Silence is golden so if nothing nice is being said out of their mouth they shouldnt speak at all. This is to all those lgbt+ phobic people shut the fuck up and get a life and leave us to ours!
On the contrary me and Michael have been dating for three weeks *smiles* I'm so proud of us. Also just because we kiss doesn't mean people need to say "oh my God did they just kiss?! That's some scary shit" yeah that happened too thank you readers for not judging and being good people *smiles*. There's always gonna be some ignorant motherfuckers out there though one day hopefully the world will change!

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