“Gotcha, honey.”  I looked at him with grateful eyes, even if they were annoyed that he was calling me Honey.  He looked to be about twenty-five and he had sandy blond hair.  For  while I was worried I had gotten into a creeper rapist’s car, but there was something in the way he smiled so brightly, that made me feel safe for once that day.

“So what’s your name?  I’m Elaine.”

“Trevor Macintyre, from down south in Georgia.”

I smiled and then to start conversation, I replied, “Really?  My grandparents live in Georgia.  I don’t remember where though.”

We had a short conversation for about five minutes before he stopped in a parking lot and announced, “Here we are, Elaine.  Say, if you ever want to have a party with a southern friend, call me up.”  He wriggled his eyebrows as if to say he meant more than playing pin the tail on the donkey.  I tried to mask my disgust, because after all, he was sort of my savior, and I owed him my life.

I started walking up the steps to the police department when a black car in the corner of my eye caught my attention.  I ran as fast as I could up the stairs and got through the doors before I saw him stop his car in the middle of the parking lot and run out.

I was so scared that he would catch me again, so I did the only logical thing I could: I screamed.  “Help!”  I ran to the desk where a middle aged man sat at a computer.  “There is a crazy man right behind me!  He kidnapped me and brought me here to Wherever-We-Are Virginia, and all I’ve been trying to do all day is escape!  And now I have and he’s right behind me!”  I heard the doors open and Kyle yelling at me.

“Elaine!  What the Hell are you doing?  Are you drunk again?”

I looked back at him with pure confusion.  “What are you talking about?  I’ve never gotten drunk in my life!”  It was true.  At parties I get a little tipsy, but never so drunk I can’t control myself.

He was walking towards me and grabbed my arm, trying to pull me away.  “I’m so sorry, officers.  My wife gets a little crazy when she’s had a little too much to drink.  I’ll just be taking her home.”

I tried to break free from his grasp but he was to strong.  “I’m not drunk!  And what do you mean, wife?  I’m nineteen!  Get that?  I’m nineteen!  Now let go of me!”

The police officer finally stepped in.  “Sir, she had quite a story, and I can’t let you take her unless she takes some tests and we know she really is drunk.  Now if you both will step back here-“

He was suddenly cut off by Kyle punching him in the face so hard he lost consciousness.  I was so shocked that I couldn’t do anything but stand there, helpless.

Two more cops came at him with guns and he took them both down in a few seconds.  One cop took him down with a taser, but he just got right back up after a few seconds and knocked her out, too.  Within a few minutes, Kyle had taken on the whole police force in that building.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door and I remembered about the fear I had had for my life before Kyle came in.

Lainey, don’t let him take you back!  Do whatever you can to escape!

“Kyle!  Let go of me!  Kyle, let go!”  I was shocked when I found myself able to pull my arm out of his grip.  “Kyle, why can’t you just let me go home?  My home!  I don’t care if I have to go to Katie’s house for the rest of my life!  I’ll never go back to my house if that’s what you want, just let me go!  In five days is Katie’s birthday, and my brother’s coming back after a year of being gone!  I can’t be gone for that!”  I took a step closer to him.  “Please, Kyle.  Let me go.”

I started to cry, and Kyle looked like my tears were hurting him.  Yeah right.  It’s all an act Lainey.  Don’t for a second let him fool you into thinking he cares about you.  He’s just like all the other guys in the world.  He’s just like Cody.

“I’m sorry I’ve been putting you through this, Elaine.  But I can’t let you go home.  There’s a one in a million chance that that vampire will come back and hurt you.  And that’s too much of a chance for me to risk it.”

“You ask like it’s your life to risk!  Like I’m yours to protect!”

“You don’t understand this whole ‘mate’ thing, do you?  It means you are mine to protect!”

He took a step closer to me.  “It means that you’re my life.”  His voice lost all strength.  It quivered in pain, and his eyes filled with sorrow, which I didn’t understand.  “Why can’t I make you understand that?”

“Because!  I’m not this mate or whatever you keep calling me, I’m just Elaine Butler!  I’m just plain old simple me!”

He took another step closer to me, and we were a mere foot apart when he replied, “Plain old Elaine?  All day I haven’t found anything plain and simple about you.”

I looked in his eyes and shook my head.  “You’ve only known me for a day.”

[A/N: What do you think?  What should happen next?  Should he let her go, or take her back to the house?  Just so you all know, I don’t have this all planned out.  I’m just typing what comes to my mind, so if you ever have a suggestion of what I should include in the story, comment or message me your thoughts.  Vote if you like it!”]

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