My Girl

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Louis POV

I got out of my car and looked around to see if anyone was watching. Luckily there was no one. I jogged up to Alexcis' house, where I thought she might be, and saw a black SUV parked in front of the house. A large black dick is always suspicious. (LMAO sorry guys I had to. Ok continue reading now.)

A large black car is always suspicious. Well according to movies they are. I stood behind the car and looked at the house. From where I was at, there wasn't any movement but I walked closer to make sure. I looked through a window on the side of the house and saw one lamp turned on.

Just as I was about to turn away, I heard a man's voice. "Dumb bitch thinks she can have an attitude towards me.. haha," the man chuckled, "she thought wrong.."

I looked closer to see what he was grabbing. It looked like a white towel...oh my god.. there's blood on it! That bastard hurt her! My jaw clenched and my hands turned into fists. This asshole is going to get the worst beating of his life. I angrily stomped to the front door and kicked it down. He turned around with a confused face clenched his fists as well.

"Who the fuck are you?" The horrid man asked.

"I'm here beat the shit out of you.. just like you did to my girl."


Yes.... his girl c;

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