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I told Louis what had happened between me and Emile. I noticed his face got hard.

"That guy is a total arse!!" I jumped at his sudden burst. I got kind of scared too. He noticed.

"Sorry Love, I didnt mean to scare you. Its just.. a girl as beautiful as you shouldnt be treated like that."

"Its ok." I said still a bit shaken up.

There was a moment of silence before my phone rings. i pull it out of my back pocket and answer. "Hello?"

"Hello Alexcis, this Dr.Parker."

"Oh hello doctor whats up." Louis goes around the counter of the kitchen and stands next to me.

"Its about your results. There seems to be a mistake. Your not pregnate, you just got some food poisoning sorry to cause all of this trouble."

At first i was speechless and relieved. I was so not ready to have a baby at all. "Its ok doctor im sure it happens all of the time." i chuckle.

"Yes well i need to go have a nice day Alexcis."

"Bye" i put my phone down on the counter top and smile. I sighed and plopped back on the seat in relief.

"What happened Alexcis?"

"Im not pregnate!! It was a mistake, I apperantly had some food poisoning."

"Well it was probably your ex's careless cooking." he said laughing.

It might have been i thought. Though i didnt care, I was too relieved to care. i got up from my seat and asked Louis to drive me home to my friends house. He smiled grabbed his keys, put his shoes on, and walked me to the car. He opened the door for me and jogged to his side. He got in and turned the car on and drove me home. In no time, I was home. "Hey Louis, I was thinking we could go out and celebrate me not being on MTV Teen Moms."

"I would love too darling" he said as he laughed at my joke. "Is it ok if i bring a friend?"

"Yeah sure why not. Oh and hey give me your number" We traded numbers and he drove off.


I knocked on the door and waited until my friend Hope opened it. Soon enough she opened the door and hugged me hello.

"Hey Boo! What's up?"

"Nothing much. I was thinking of going out tonight at that club we always go to and I was also hoping that I could move in here with you too." I was kind of scared of what she'll say.

"Of course you can move in! Your parents won't care though? And what's the special occasion huh?" She said with a smile.

"Of course they won't, you know how they are. They don't even know I exist. And well I'll tell you the whole story while we're getting ready. It's practically a book."

As we were getting ready, I told what happened between me and Emile. I got kind of tired of telling that story. I also told her how I met Louis.

"Ooo is he cute! And I'm sorry that happened between you and Emile. What a bitch."

"Yeah well that bitch was hot and apparently thirsty."

"Haha! Stupid."

We laughed at my retarded joke and started getting dressed. I put on a one shoulder dark blue mini dress with blue sparkly pumps. Hope put on a purple mini dress with black pumps with spikes on the heel part. I straightened my hair and she curled hers. I put some makeup on and grabbed a small purse from her closet.

"Whose going Alexcis?" She asked while putting some blush on.

"Umm me, you, Emily, Mariyah, Chloe, and Diana I think."

"Oh ok lots of girls this time huh?"

"The more the merrier." We finally got finished getting ready but before we left I texted Louis.

Alexcis:Hey Louis, a couple of my friends are going so be sure to bring like six cute guys with you kaykay c;

Louis: Dont worry darling I'll have the sexiest guys with me for your single friends (:

Alexcis: Lol thanks.

After I texted Louis we drove off to the club. While we were driving, we were rocking out to Thrift Shop on repeat because we're cool like that. As soon as we arrived I saw Em's car and an emtpy space two cars away from hers. I parked and we got out of the car. When we got to the front we skipped the whole line because I knew the bouncer at the door. It pays to know people. We got inside and as soon we stepped in you could feel the whole club vibrate from the low bass. I took Hope's hand and took her to the bar. I ordered two shots and a margarita.

"To not being on Teen Moms!" We said in unison as we raised our shot glasses and drank them down.

"Whoo!" I yelled.

"Hey look over there, is that Diana with the girls?" Hope asked.

I looked over to where Hope was pointing and saw the girls dancing. "Come on lets go!" Hope said pulling my hand. We walked over to where they were and started dancing with them. We were greeted by hugs and individual 'heys'. We all looked incredibly hot, I swear, I dont know if its the alcohol talking but I could literally make-out with one of them right now.... Yeah its the alcohol. I looked over to the door after like fifteen minutes later and I noticed Louis with a group of cute guys just like he said.

"Hey girls look over there!" I said pointing to group of hot guys.

"OMG are they ours?!" Diana asked very excited.

"Yes except one." I lead them all to the group. "Hey Louis I see you can keep your word." I winked.

"I told you.This is Liam, Harry, Zayn,Justin, Niall, and Andy." He said pointing to each one. The girls each grabbed a guy and started dancing. Diana with Harry, Em with Niall, Mariyah with Liam, Hope with Justin, and Chloe with Andy. I took Louis of course. We started dancing and grinding to Niggas In Paris. His hands went to my waist and a little lower after a while. The Motto came on and I turned around and whispered in his ear, "This song really turns me on you know."

"Well lets take advantage of that huh?" He smiled and took me to the VIP section of the club. As we were walking towards there, Emily looked at me and winked at me knowing where this was going. We got in and Louis immediatly pushed on a leather couch. "You know how long I waited for this night to come" he whispered in my ear. His voice sounded sexy when it was all husky.

"You won't be able to walk when Im done with you.." He was right....


No children, i wont skip the oppertunity to write a dirty a$$ scene. Im just making you guys go GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Cuz im an evil child c; So dont worry you'll know why she cant walk...

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