Its My Birthday? Part 1

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I woke up with a throbbing headache and a passed out Hope next to me. I dont remember driving home. Then again I dont remember most of the night except...Louis. Wow. Thats one memory Ill remember when Im drunk. I noticed I was still wearing the same clothes I was wearing yesterday. I got up from under the covers and walked over to my drawers and changed into some yoga pants and a celeste long-sleeved shirt. I went into the kitchen holding my head afraid if I let go, the pain will grow. When I got to the kitchen I open the refridgerator door and grabbed a Gatorade. I made my way to the dining table and sat down and drank my beverage in peace. Soon the peaceful atmosphere was inturrupted by a couple of knocks on the door. I groaned lightly and make my way to the door to see someone familiar.


"Hey Alexcis. How are you Love?"

"Ill be fine when my hangover is done for." I said chuckling a bit. "Come in." I gestured toward the living room. He sat down on the couch and put both of his arms on top of the couch.

"Hey did you drive me home? Because I certainly dont remember getting in a car."

"Yes love, I did. You were really wasted so I thought it was time for you to go home. May I say that you and your friends drank more than I have ever seen a group of girls drink before. Um no offense" He said quite nervous to see if I would be mad at his comment.

I laughed a bit. "Dont worry im not mad at your comment. You'd be surprised by how many people actually tell me that." I groaned and put my fingers on my temples slowly sitting down next to Louis.

"Are you ok?" He asked with concern. Why did he care so much?

"Im fine its just the damn hangover. Can you give me my drink? I asked pointing over to the direction(A/N lol Direction! ok sorry back to the story...) of my Gatorade. In seconds, he handed me my drink. I opened the top and took two gulps. I sighed loudly.

"Whats wrong?"

"I dont know. Today just feels like I should be doing something. Whats todays date?"

"Its March 10th why?"

"HOLY SHIT ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed so loud that I might have woken up half of London. Then I heard chuckling next to me. "What's so funny child?"

"First of all, you forgot your own birthday, second of all, child?" He made a weird face when he said that last word. "Yes I called you child. It's kind of my thing, and I don't know if you recall driving a certain drunk girl to her roommates house, of course I'm forget things!"

"How old are you turning Love?" I stopped to think if I should tell him. I mean I'm barley turning 17, he might not like me anymore. Wait, I barley know him. Why do I care? But something in me is attracted to this stranger. "17, what about you?"

"I'm 19." Ok, not that bad he's only two years older than me. Why am I attracted to older guys? When I was going out with Emile, he told me that he was 20. I of course, didn't mind but I wasn't sure about him. He told me that age is but a number. I can't believe I bought into his damn words.

"Are you ok Love? It looks like your having a mental discussion with yourself." He chuckled lowly. It's kind of weird how he just reads my mind like that. "So what are you going to do for your 'surprise' birthday?"

"I don't know. I guess I'll let the girls plan a day for me since it's my birthday." I got my phone out of my clutch that Louis had placed on the kitchen island. I texted them in a group text to tell them to come over my house. Fifteen minutes after some small talk with Louis, I heard a hard knock on the door. Louis have me a weird look. I did the same, did I bother the girls? Maybe they had a hangover too. If they did, I'll be sure to give them all some Gatorade. I got up to open the door to see 5 girls with excited faces. Wait, 6 girls. I immediately open my eyes so wide I thought they might have fallen out.

"DESTINEE!?!" I screamed as she pushed through the girls to give me the biggest hug ever. I haven't seen this girl in forever. She's amazing and has everlasting battery. How I missed her! "What are you doing here, I thought you were in Puerto Rico!"

"I was but then the girls called me to ask me if I could come over and surprise you so now I'm here. SURPRISE!" She gave me another hug but it didn't last as long. I motioned for all the girls to come in. I closed the door as all of them came in. Then I noticed Destinee had a confused look on her face. "What's wrong Destinee?" I asked. "There's a cute guy sitting on your couch." She pointed her finger at Louis as she whispered in my ear. I giggled. She gave me another confused look.

"I'm Louis darling, what's your name?" He took Destinee's hand and kissed the top of it. Honestly, I felt a hint of jealousy as he did. "Destinee." She gave him a smile and he returned the gesture. "Is he your boyfriend?" I blushed slightly as she asked OUT LOUD. Thanks a lot Des. Louis cocked a smile at me and the other girls all looked at me waiting for me to say something.

"No he's uhh...a friend.. For now." I gave Louis a flirty wink. "Aweeeeeee." They all chorused. "WHY IN THE HELL ARE THERE SO MANY NOISES IN MY HOUSE!? ALEXCIS?!" Hope screamed. She came in the living room all groggy. I guess she still had a bit of a hangover. Just a bit... "Oh hey girls and... Alexcis' lover." If looks could kill, Hope would've had a stake through her heart right about now. I noticed Louis was grinning at me. I probably looked like a tomato considering how much I'm blushing right now. Damn you girls.

"You could've told me when we were giving Alexcis her 'surprise'. It would have given me time to change." She said motioning to her clothes. She was too wearing the same clothes she wore yesterday like I did earlier. "I'll be back." When she left the girls all turned to me with excited faces. "What?" I asked. "Aren't you going to ask us what we have planned for you on your birthday?" Em asked. I hope it's not another club night 'cause I'm not looking foward to another massive headache. "As long as we don't go to the club, I'm fine." A gasp was heard at the doorway. We all turned to see Hope with a surprised looked on her face. "Alexcis not wanting to go to a club!" I rolled my eyes knowing what she meant. I'm usually the party animal who gets everybody in the mood to party. Hope is the second one. Its one of the reasons why were friends.

"What are you guys planning for my birthday?"

"Well..." Diana started of. "We were going to spend the day at the spa, go get our nails done, go shopping, and then go to the beach. But.." She stopped, she glanced over to Louis. Ok Im confused right now.

"But what?" I asked.

"But since you've got lover boy in your hands, we need to change the plans." Mariyah finished of. Why do these girls have to embarress me in front of my crush!? Wait.. crush? Again Alexcis, you just met this guy yesterday. Sure you had sex with him and it was GREAT but you were drunk and Im sure it didnt mean anything. Did it? Crap, this was gonna be a long day....

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