You Win

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Alexcis POV

I woke up and tried to turn around but something was holding on to me. I looked back and realized it was Louis. Louis, I giggled at the thought of him being my boyfriend. I just hope he's not like the others.

"What are you laughing about?" Louis said in a mumbled voice.

"Nothing, just that I cant believe I have the most sexy boyfriend ever." I said as I turned around to face him when he loosened his grip.

"Would you consider me a sex god? Who am I kidding, of course you do!" He smiled cheekily.

"The only sex god here is me. From now on I am your goddes of sex and you are my slave. Now make me some food peasant! Let me get mahh beauty sleep" I said popping the 'p'.

"Riiiiiight. You say peasant? I do too and make your own food PEASANT." He stuck his tongue at me.

"Peasant please." I snapped my fingers and turned around to go back to sleep. I was not getting rid of my sleep just to make breakfast. If I don't get my sleep, I WILL get grumpy.

"Pwease will you make me pancakes?" Louis started tickling me but stopped because he noticed I wasn't moving. I looked over my shoulder to meet his eyes.

"I don't get ticklish" I smirked and sent him a wink.

"Your not? Weirdoooo!" He got up and pulled on some sweatpants. He put on a beanie and left his top half naked. Is he trying to kill me?

"If your still going to stare, again, I might as well take pictures myself and send them to you." He winked at me and straddled on my lap.

"Well this is an interesting position." I said.

"Yes it very much is. I was wondering how you looked from up here."

"Because that's not creepy at all." I giggled a bit.

"Nope." He said popping the "p" and got off of me. He reached his hand out to help me get off the bed because I'm such a lazy ass. He pulled me out and just stared.

"What?" I asked hoping there wasn't something on my face even though we still haven't ate yet.

"You're just really beautiful." He said. His comment made me blush BADLY.

"Thanks Lou."

"Plus those shorts are very distracting." Louis said taking a step back to look at my butt. I hit his arm lightly and went to my closet. I got out a big South Jordan sweatshirt and put it on.

"Who are South Jordan?" Louis asked as he read my sweatshirt. My jaw dropped and I immediatly tackled him to the ground. As soon as he hit the floor I grabbed both his wrists and pinned them to both sides of his head.

"What the hell is the matter with you?! How do you not know who South Jordan is?" I yelled in his face.

"Maybe because I havent heard of them before? And holy crap girl you are stronger than you look."

"Well thats obvious and thank you. I think you'll have a fun time figuring me out." I placed a kiss on his cheek and got up. Louis jumped up to his feet and grabbed my hand. We walked out of the room and into the living room. As soon as we got there, the whole place smelled of pancakes, eggs, and....oh my God...bacon!

"Mother of bacon I smell bacon!" I ran to the kitchen leaving Louis behind. I burst through the opening and stopped in my tracks as a large pale back was facing me. The mysterious person turned around and I saw that it was Niall.

"Well hello there princess. Ya hungry?" Niall asked.

"If there's bacon, I'm always hungry." I sent him a wink and giggled as he smiled and blushed. He's so freaking cute! Like, a puppy. Awww...puppies. Okay yeah getting in there brain. I sat on the counter and waited for Louis to come in. As if he read my mind, he appeared in the doorway.

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