The Stranger

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My mouth was wide open upon hearing the news. I covered my mouth and thought... I was pregnant.


I busted out crying not caring what the doctor would think. My face fell into my hands not wanting to see anybody elses face. I felt a heavy hand going in circles on my back. It felt comforting to know someone cared about how I felt at that moment. I wiped the tears from my face and looked up at my doctor. My eyes were still watering and they were probably red too.

"What now?" I asked

"Whatever you think you think is right to do next, do it." He told me with sympathetic eyes.

At that moment I knew what I had to do. I had to tell Emile.


I took the bus again to his house. I tightly gripped the poles in the bus thinking of how Emile will react. I almost tripped as the bus pulled over. I got out and walked the remaining blocks to his house. I knocked on the door. No answer. That's weird, he didn't tell me if he was going somewhere today. Then I remembered. His family had a spare key under they're mat. I took a step back and lifted one of the corners of the mat and grabbed the key. I unlocked the door and put the key back under the mat. I closed the door and looked around to see if I could find Emile. I looked everywhere but his room. I walked up to his door and heard noises. That's weird.

"Oh Emile!", a random voice suddenly yelped.

What the fuck? I opened the door in a hurry to see what was going on and the first thing I see is Emile on top of another girl!!

"What the fuck is going on?!"

"It's not what you think!", he yelled as he got off her.

"So what was happening? You accidentally 'fell' into her!?" I said sarcastically.

"No! I... I..."

"You what?!!", I practically started yelling at the top of my lungs.

I couldn't think straight. I just saw the guy who had gotten me pregnant with another woman. How was I supposed to tell him now? This was all so wrong.

"I can't believe you Emile. I thought you actually loved me!"

"I do!"

"No you don't!! You were in bed with another fucking woman!"

I looked at the girl on his bed and noticed that she had wide eyes and a mouth wide open. I gave her a dirty look before looking back to Emile. I was waiting for a response from him. Then my big mouth decided to open and just tell him.

"The only reason I came here was to tell you that I was pregnant!" I immediately covered my wide open mouth as I finished blurting out those last words.

"Your what!?"


He sat down slowly and carefully trying to not fall. I could see he was trying to let it all sink in as I did when I first heard the news. It had been a few minutes until the girl got up and said that she should leave. Now it was just me and him.


"Are you sure?"

"Yes I went to the hospital to be sure"

"You what?! Without me?"

"I didn't want you freaking out! Plus you still haven't answered my question about that girl on your bed."

"I don't know what I was doing. She led me on-"


I couldn't believe he was trying this crap on me. I stood up and stormed off. I tried holding back the tears but I couldn't. I took out my phone and texted my friend Mariyah.

Hey I need to come over now. It's important. :'c

-From Alexcis

I immediately got a text back saying that it was no problem.


I knocked on my friends door and it swung open so fast that it seemed like she was waiting for me at the door. I noticed my other friend Chloe was there at her house too.

"Come in quick child!" She pulled me in all the way to her room.

"What's wrong why are you crying!?" Chloe asked.

"It's Emile"

"Omg what did he do? Imma go over to his house and kick his butt if he hurt you!" Mariyah yelled.

"I saw him in bed with another girl".

"No!" They both screamed.

"And I'm...pregnant."

This time they didn't say anything. They just sat on the bed with wide eyes. I felt my eyes water again. This time I didn't hold them back. My face fell into my hands as I started crying. My friends tried to comfort me by hugging me and telling me that everything would be ok. It didn't completely work but my sobbing had slowed down a bit. I looked up and wiped my eyes. I let out a big sigh and we just sat there in silence for awhile.

"I think I should go home"

"Ok well we'll see you later then?"

"I guess"

I walked out of there and to the bus stop. The bus took awhile to get here. I was still crying about what had just happened. This had all happened too fast. This made me cry even more. My face fell against my hands again not wanting to show my face even though no one was around at this time. I didn't want to take any chances though.

"Are you ok?" I heard a British voice ask. I looked up to see a cute guy with straight hair swooping to the right of his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said wiping my eyes with hands.

"Are you sure? Because you we're just crying a second ago and I don't like it when girls cry. It makes me feel bad."

I couldn't help but smile. He seemed like a nice guy.

"Yeah I'm alright thanks."

"So what are you doing here?"

"Umm waiting for the bus?" I said showing a big of confusion.

"Oh well you kind of missed the bus a half hour ago."

"Ughh really? Man.."

"Do you need a ride?"

"umm no I'll walk thanks."

I got up and started walking away. I was stopped by a strong hand holding my wrist and pulling it back. I turned to see it was the same guy. My eyebrows ceased together in confusion.

"Come on let me drive you home. I know it seems kind of weird because we just met, but I'm not like a rapist or something." He chuckled.

"Oh I wasn't thinking that. It's just I don't know you so.." He let go of my wrist and held out his hand.

At first I hesitated but then I thought. How bad could this guy be? And he's just giving me a ride home. That's it.

I took his hand and asked, "what's your name?"

"Louis," he smiled.

Louis. I thought. The stranger.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry I didn't upload for a while I was just really busy lately and I never got to it. Well I hope I made this chapter long enough for you guys. Please vote if you liked it! Thanks to all my readers too!! <3 c:

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