Louis Is Superman

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Mariyah POV

Crap, shit, fuck, damn! What do I do? Oh I know. I'll just call Liam and ask him what to do. Yeah he'll know.... hopefully

*Phone Convo*

L: Hey babe

M: Babe you have to help me, Alexcis is gone and I don't know what to do!!!

L: Woah Mariyah slow down. What happened?

M: Alexcis is gone.

L: What!? Where are you? How did this happened? Was she with you? Oh my god it's m fault isn't it?

M: Liam!

L: Sorry sorry. Ok um where are you?

M: In front of her house.

L: I'll meet you there. Text everyone and tell them to come too. Don't explain just tell them it's an emergency and that they need to come to her house as soon as possible.

M: What about Louis?

L: I'll take care of that just do what I told you ok? I love you babe.

M: I love you too. Bye baby.

L: Bye.

*End Convo*

Well I have a lot of typing to do.

~skip to the part where they're all at her house~

"What's wrong Mariyah? Where's Alexcis?" asked Diana.

"That's why I texted all of you to come." I answered.

"Why what's wrong?" Worried Niall.


"WHAT!?!?!??!" They all chorused.

"Here's the story. I was at her house and she seemed really depressed so I told her we should go out. No where bad or anything like the club."

"The club is bad for Alexcis?" Emily asked rhetorically.

"No but...whatever! As I was saying, we were gonna go out and eat. When we were outside I realized I forgot my phone in her room. I told her to stay inside the car and wait and when I came back..." I couldn't handle it. I broke down right there infront of everyone. It was my fault she's gone. I left her alone and now Alexcis is gone.

"I'm sorry guys. It's all my fault! If I had never left her she would still be here. It's all my fault and I don't know what to do and I'm really scared!" I sobbed. I felt someones arms wrap around me and they started rubbing my arms. I looked back and it was Liam. He was trying to calm me down. It actually worked. What would I do without him? A cold empty feeling shivered through my body as I imagined that scenario. Is this how Alexcis feels? Oh my god poor girl. She really is hurt. 

"Mariyah baby we've got to stay strong ok? For Alexcis." Liam said.

"I know I know. I just want her to be safe. I finally understand how Alexcis feels and trust me, the girl is really hurt. She never wanted to loose Louis. Now we have to find her."

"And we will. We just have to keep a little faith in us." He smiled at me and kissed me on the lips softly. 

BAM! We all snapped our heads to the door that had been opened roughly. It was Louis.

"Hey guysssssss" Louis said slurring his words. Oh no, he's drunk. Fuck not now.

"Louis mate are you drunk?" Harry asked.

"Of course he is look at him Haz." Diana said referring to him.

"Lou isn't it a little early to be drinking?" Justin asked.

"Oh shut up, look who's talking you pothead." He insulted Justin.

"Louis!" Zayn yelled, "What the hell  is wrong with you?! Alexcis is gone and this is how your going to act?"

"She's what?" Louis finally started acting serious.

"Where is she? Fucking some other dude probably..." He mumbled. Ok I've had enough of his shit.

"Louis stop!" I yelled, "The girl I know you love is gone. We have no idea where she is. She was with me but I think someone kiddnapped her. Now sober your ass up and help us find her!" He looked at me in realization.

"Wait, so Alexcis might be in danger? Fuck this is my fault. I should've given her chance. Shit shit shit shit shit!" He ran his hands through his hair multiple times. Poor guy, I really feel for him.

"Do you know where she might be? Anything she left?" He asked.

"She dropped her phone." I grabbed Alexcis' phone from my purse and handed it to Louis. He stared at it before he scrunched his eyebrows together.

"Holy crap. I know where she is!" His eyes widened and he ran off. We all stayed exactly put because this was between Louis and Alexcis. This is something Lou has to do on his own. We'll of course be here if there's anything he needs but right now it's his time to be Alexcis' Superman.


Yeah so short chapter. I'm actually trying to do that just so there can be more chapters for you guys to read. I just wanted it to be fair you guys so you can look foward to more updates because I when this story is done I won't be starting the sequel. I'll try to update Finding Everything Again more and I'll begin Until Death Do Us Unite. When one of them ends I'll start the sequel. Whaleeeeee I hope you like it c; 

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