Chapter 14 - Diana pov

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*DIANA POV* (Damon younger sister)

"Oh my gosh mom just calm down will you??" My mother has been talking non stop about Damon and his mate coming for the week to spend thanksgiving with the family and pack. I'm really happy that my brother FINALLY found her, the person he would love for the rest of his life. I know he has been wanting her since forever really. And now that he has found her my mother has been going on and on about having grandchildren soon. Me and my twin brother derek are only 15 and even tho we have alpha blood in us we won't be finding our mates at 16 like Damon was suppose to but we'll be finding our mates at 18 like everyone else. 18 is just so far away I don't wanna wait that long BUT I'll take waiting another 3 years over waiting till I'm 25 or older like Damon had too. Honestly I just don't see how he did it. I haven't seen my brother in nearly 2 months and I seriously can't wait to see him again. I wonder what she looks like, or what she likes to do for fun, does she like to shop??? Cause I do....I love it actually. Well whatever she likes I already know that we are going to be close after all one day she will be my sister in law and I've always wanted a sister.

Me, my mother and my aunties all wait inside the house for them to get here while every body else waits in the backyard. We think that that's the best way to go about this instead of all crowding around her all at once. And believe me everyone here wants to finally meet the Luna. To any pack the Luna is like the queen to any kingdom and everyone always worships their queen. We felt them enter our territory about almost 15 minutes ago so really they should here any second. Michael our packs beta mindlinks the pack a reminder that the Luna doesn't know that shes a Luna yet or what a Luna even is, she's human and doesn't know about us wolves or that her and Damon are soul mates. So basically she doesn't know anything about anything so we have to watch what we say and do around her.

It's about time we hear them pull up outside....I'm tired of waiting. The plan WAS SUPPOSE to be that we wait for them to actually come inside and see us in the living room but NO my mother didn't follow thru with the plan and what's even more annoying is that she's the one that came up with the plan in the first place. She beat them to the door and swung it open just starring at the poor girl before crashing her into a huge hug. WOW!!! My brother actually got lucky with this one I think cause she is really beautiful, and that's saying something coming from me. Everyone hugged each other and introduced ourselves. We all talked and for maybe 5 minutes when she went from calm to nervous in just seconds once we showed her to the backyard where everyone else was awaiting her arrival.

I soon introduced her to Derek, Bianca, Janny and lissa. Everything was going great up until she said that she had a boyfriend and the crazy part is that Damon knew about this. So I mindlinked him right there on the spot. "Lamiya has a boyfriend and you didn't tell me?" I saw him look over my way with a sad face then responded back saying "sorry lil sis I was going to tell you but I was just to embarrassed to." I understand his point of view but it still didn't make me any less mad at him. "Regardless Damon, we've always told each other everything or did you forget?" "Of course I didn't forget Diana but when you find your mate maybe you'll understand!" Then he blocked me from his link, Whatever. Me, Damon and Derek have always told each other everything even though we brothers and sisters we're all very very close and the fact that he didn't tell me this kind of hurt my feelings. And since he didn't tell me then that means most likely he didn't tell Derek either. Damon has a lot of explaining to do!!!


Once everyone started to leave I wanted to go take a shower and to sleep but I had no idea where I was going so I started looking for Damon and I found him talking with his parents. I didn't know if I should just walk up to him anyways or just stand here and wait for them to finish talking about whatever it is there talking bout? I didn't have to stand here long tho cause his mom saw me and waved me over and I didn't want to seem disrespectful so I went over to them fast. When I got over there Damon automatically put one of his arms around my shoulders.....he does this a lot. But I never think anything of it cause we're just friends, Damon doesn't even think of me in a romantic kind of way............I think. "So lamiya hun I hope you've enjoyed yourself." That was Damon's mother "Actually yes I did enjoy myself and the food was great." Then I yawned "Damon she's tired, son show her to her room will you." *giggles* Damons father is a very straight forward man I see. Damon grab my hand and led me to the stairs, he says that the room ill be staying in is on the 3rd floor and that's a lot of stairs for me especially since I have a bad foot. I looked around for my bags and Damon says almost as if he could read my mind "your bags have already been takin upstairs into your room princess don't worry." Nodding my head and started making my way up the stairs but truthfully I couldnt because my foot was killing me, I had been standing on it all day and these stairs weren't helping me at all. I hissed and in a flash Damon picked me up bridal style and carried me up all the way till we got to the front of a door which I'm guessing is my room for the week. I didn't even complain....I mean why would I? He smelt sooo good the whole time he was carrying me my head was in between his head and shoulders. He had a scent that smelt masculine but also very sweet at the same time and it drove me crazy, I wouldn't mind smelling him all night truth be told.

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