Chapter 9 - We meet again

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After we walked in i went straight to the kitchen cus i needed a drink, it was hot as hell out side. I grabbed a water for me and jamie. We sat on the couch just talking. "So why did you have to stay behind with the other girls?" i damn near spit out all my water. "Uhm no reason really. Just some guy saying something about something i was too vusy texting bre to listen" which is like 70% true. But honestly i really dont know why we had to stay behind because nobody said anything...w.e. He started laughing at me "babe you really shoudve listened to what they had to say, it couldve been important!" i nod ky head and lean over to give him a small kiss and say "yeah yeah yeah i know, im working on it" he then kissed me and this time it wasnt a small kiss. It was a full on make out session and one thing led to another and our shirts were off, my legs were wrapped around his waist and he was carrying me to my room. He Dropped me on the bed which btw i think is so sexy when a man does that. He climbed on top of me and you know what happened next.

SKIPPING THE SEX PART! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3hours later*
I woke up naked with jamie laying naked under me. Uhmm how should i wake him up?? I could throw some water on him? Or i could draw on him with a permanent marker then wake him up or wake him up by doing his a lil friend a massage????? I dont know. I thought about it and decided to just write on his face then wake him up by massaging his member. Still naked i got up and got the marker and drew a whole bunch of shit all over his face.. The hardest part was holding back my laughter. I really thought he wouldve woken up by now cus normally he isnt a deep sleeper like this.

After drawing what i could i went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I walked back to the bed and went under the covers and went to work. I know your probably thinking im a slut or something but nope in not. Jamie is the first person ive done this for as a matter of fact jamie is my first for everything so im really comfortable with him. And on top of everything else i love him and he loves me so no one can judge me. Maybe 5 minutes into it i feel him moving a bit, i think that was him waking up cus soon after the covers were removed and i was suddenly cold as fuck but i kept going. He was looking at me with straight lust and hunger. I was so funny cus 1. He was trying to speak but was hella tounge tied and 2. Looking at him with all those drawings on his face was priceless and i had to focus or else i wouldve laughed my ass off right there in his face.

Yall aint stupid right? Im pretty sure yall could guess on how this night ended up. We even took it to the shower and it was great. We fell asleep again after we got out the shower, we were suppose to be spending the night as his tonight but we didnt make it there.

"Babe wake your ass up, we gone be late!!" i grabbed the covers and pulled them over my head and said to jamie "5 more minutes please" but i wasnt lucky "no, not 5 more minutes. Babe we only have 40 minutes to get to class" that was all that needed to be said cus after that i jumped and flew to the bathroom to take a quick shower and do my business and ect. 40 minutes isnt long at all. Every morning bre, K.c (bre's boyfriend), jamie and me all eat breakfast together in the cafe. And that alone takes up 30 to 40 minutes of our time. And we arent even there yet...crap! Once we do get there we see bre and k.c there already eating. Uhmm wtf bruh they suppose to be waiting on us. We say our hi's and goodmorings and jamie and i go to get our plates when i feel eyes on me i turn around and searxh everywhere but dont see anyone looking at me so i brush it off my shoulder amd grab a plate.

Maybe im just trippin but all damn day during my classes and even after my classes ive been feeling like someone is either following me or looking at me. And its hella uncomfortable, i just need to calm down or something. I mean like why would there be anyone even following me anyways?

After classes were done me and jamie went to the library to do some homework. I only had a lil to do while jamie had this paper due soon so he stayed in the library trying to finish it today. And bre is somewhere doing something with k.c..eww. So i was alone walking at 9:00 in the dark when that feeling came back i was honestly too scared to even turn around and check so i sped up walking. Almost jogging if you asked me.

The faster i went to worse the feeling got but i was just about there so i just kept going. Once i actually did get into the building i felt like doing a lil happy dance. But like i said i wasnt going to stol till i got inside of my dorm room safe and sound. I was soooo close i hit the corner and bumped into a freaking wall. When the hell did they put a wall there? Ughh. I heard a man's voice ask me if i was ok amd if i needed help getting up? "Uhmm sure and yes im ok just a lil freaked out" the stranger then said "freaked out about what? I saw you run in here like you were running from something or someone" i finally looked up at me and damn he's tall ass fuck he has to be at least 6'1 or close and buff ass hell too and im only 5'3 and skinny. I felt like a little ant next to him. But also this was that same man from yesterday that looks like a god and also tried to kiss me. Oops.

"Uhh, uhh im fine thanks but i gotta go" i was trying to get away from him to tell the truth. "Whats the rush?" i decided i was just going to go walk around him to leave but he grabbed my arm and for a second i was scared that he might hurt me but then those damn tingles came back and i wanted him to touch me more. I was like i had no control over my own body and my mind was clouded with thought of him. "Do you feel it too?" he asked i shook my head in response cus at the moment i couldnt find my voice.

He pulled me to him. So now we were chest to chest and a part of me felt wrong about being this close to another man thats not jamie but the other half felt right at home with him. I was really conflicted at the moment "feels good doesnt it?" he spoke again and this time i responsed but saying "what is it? And why do i feel like this?"

MYSTERY GUY: "its a sign."
ME: "what kind of sign"

Thats all he could get out when another mystery guy that im guessing was his friend showed up and interrupted our conversation. It seemed important so i said that ill just see him around then started to walk off when he grabbed my arm again and told me that his name was Damon. Um damon, it fits him. I told him my name in response but he said he already knew that which is creepy cus ive never told him my name before tonight. I FINALLY made it to my dorm not freak out anymore so i called jamie to let him know i made it safe and to check on him too. He said he wasnt going to finish on time to stay over my dorm tonight so i was on my own looks like. Bre was here in her room with k.c but they be all over each other even when we in the same room i doubt they even realize I'm there.

I eat then take a shower and get ready for bed tomorrow is Saturday so i dont have to wake up early and i can catch up on my Z's. But right before i fell into a deep sleep i heard what i think was a very loud and dangerous growl but we dont have any dogs so i just ignore it and go to sleep.

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