Chapter 3

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Sitting in alpha Samuel's office discussing the attacks for an hour now and still we've come up with nothing. When the attack on my pack happened it happened just right outside of my pack house (which by the way no one has figured out how they even made it that far into the territory unseen) I'd have to ask my warriors about that another time.

But when the attack on the dark night pack happened it happened no where near his pack house but on campus. Alpha Samuel has a college campus on his territory that many of his werewolves attend, some even live on campus. But the crazy thing about it was the rogues tried to kidnap on of his she-wolf right there in daylight where humans were walking by. The wolfs that attend that caught the sent of the rogues began to surround them but kept their distance as to not alarm the rogues and scare off the humans or worst expose our race to the humans.

From the story we were told Dean Roberts was also there at the time of the attack and mindlinked his alpha for help. Meanwhile one of the rogues said "it has to be her, i saw the power." and by the looks on everyones face no one knew what the hell that meant. The she-wolf was out numbered and had no chance of exscaping, honestly in other words her ass would of been grass. Well that was until her mate showed up and saved her which in my mind i didnt understand at first because even with her mates help they were still out numbered by 3. But according to their story when the mate arrived he said "TAKE YOUR FILTY HANDS OFF OF MY MATE NOW!!" the rogues seemed taken back by that peice of news and asked her if he was her mate she whimpered a "yes" and they set her free as if she wasnt the one they were after.

Another wolf that was close by to the scene said that he heard 2 of the rogues have a quick argument about her not being the one and risking their lives for no reason.

My pack and i nor Samuel and his pack had any idea of the girl they were really looking for. So Samuel has asked every wolf in his pack if they had any information about it or heard anything extra that may help but nun.

I was starting to think that this whole meeting was pointless when one of dark nights warriors came into the room saying he had collected evidence from the attack....a very tiny piece of what looks like clothing. Uhh ok. He held it in a closed bag so the smell would last longer i guess. So i asked "am i suppose to read your mind or are you going to inform me and my members of just what the hell that is and what makes that evidence?" he bowed his head in respect, looked to his alpha for permission to speak...permission granted. "Um alpha damon this is a small peice of clothing that got ripped off one of the rogues by the she-wolf when she was first snatched" he paused letting us all comprehend what this means for us "since its not much i decided to put it in this Ziploc bag to keep as much of his scent." i smiled because that was actually a very smart thing to do.

Then alpha samuel said "well the wolfs that were there that day all have the scent locked in still so i dont think we will really need that, but thanks" i cut off the warrior whose name i do not know, i dont really care to learn peoples name anyways cause its just so much work in remembering them. "With all due respect alpha Samuel we do in fact need that if my pack is going to be helping. We werent here the day of the attack and have no idea how the scents smell so warrior i dont know the name of would you please open that bag so me and my members can smell, yeah thanks" i said the last part with so much sarcasm. The warrior seemed torn between following my orders or his alphas orders, he just kept looking back and forth from us both. So i impatiently cleared my thoart and Samuel shook his head.

So finally after what felt like a life time had past the warrior person opened the damn bag and the moment the smell hit me my wolf immediately growled out very loudly. We recognized the scent as one of the same ones that attacked my pack only 9 days ago. My members growled too, Im guessing they recognized the scent as well. I sniffes a second and a third time just to make sure i smelled correct. Samuel didnt know what was going on and why me and my members reacted the way we did and his face showed just that. So before i could fill them in Michael beat me to it "sorry alpha Samuel its just that we all recognized the scent as one of the rogues thay attacked our pack just 9 days ago, they didnt try to kidnap anyone though all they did was leave a msg for damon saying hand over the luna and no one gets hurt" he paused to catch his breath after talking so fast but then continued on "but damon here" putting his hand on my shoulders since i was sitting in a chair "hasnt even found his mate yet so we have no luna so we didnt understand exactly who they wanted."

"But how? I mean how could it be the same person?" samuel responded back. All i did in response was shrug my shoulders because honestly i didnt know the answer to that question and was just as lost as he was.

Jason my T.I.C said something i dont think anyone of us was expecting to hear, something that i dont think crossed any of our minds. "I mean its clear that its same group of rogues that attacked both our packs and both times they were looking for a certain someone. Damon they were looking for your mate and alpha Samuel they tried to snatch up one of your she-wolfs but according to the story they realized she wasnt the person they were after when her ~mate~ came they saw that she already had a mate and couldnt be yours so she wasnt who they wanted. So maybe just maybe damon" he paused walking up to me to look me dead in the eyes cause i was standing by now to say the words i wish he never said "they might know who your mate is and wants her dead before you could even find her." and at that i felt my knee go weak and quickly sat right back down in my chair with everyone else staring me awaiting my reaction. But i was frozen and my wolf felt weaker then my knees.

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