† 24 †

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His fist tightens, holding his breath as the glare grew.

The taste hungered as suffocation formed becoming vulnerable of his grip. Water drips soundly as his manner calmed into a rasp.

"Stand infront of the bed"

My breath held feeling the water cool as it exceeds. His fingers curved away, holding in the repression.

Attention formed as he came out slowly unbuttoning his vest.

"At last..." his voice flows into a whisper

Nerves increase as each foot approaches nearer. His eyes glossed filling with mysteries.

Faint dripplets smear down my back shivering as the room engulfs.

Heat begans as his hand crawl up my leg, sensing his gentleness.

"My shivering wife, do you wish for warmth?"

Pressure tightens as my toes curled...

"Yes Master"

The presence aroused the feel of his eyes taste my skin.

An eyebrow raised as a grin glimpse

"Shall you abandoned me once more?"

My vision blurred as sensations employs.

"Forgive me "

The beating of my heart paced hearing himself clear his throat with frustration. A gasp moaned from my lips as his hand grabs.

"M-Master!" I whimper

My eyes widen as freezing air sharpens. Icy wind cuts against my body as tears fell.

"Theres no where to run" his hand firms, bending me over the railing.

Fingers twist as strains of hair float into my mouth, compelling the force as my eyes water.

"Master!" the feeling of the scream fell into course, echoing through the foggy mist.

The conpulsion lightens off my back. Warmth solaced as he pulls me back in, reddened by discomfort.

Smoothness touched, pinning my arms above my head. Squeezing my wrist in his grip.

"I love the games you play" his lips glide across my cheek

"But I wouldn't feel so lucky "

The Dark God Mr Cerulli Where stories live. Discover now