My sad story

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That is the name I was given when I was born

At least that is what the note said

Abandon after birth

Taken in by people who dislike me

and treated me like trash

You can say my life is just great

But the thing is its not

I grew up being abused

Trapped in a windowless room

I had no voice


I wake up each day thinking it just

might be my last

The people push me around

I have no friends

No one to help me

Ever since I was born I was never wanted

But why

That's the question I ask each day

I never asked to have this life and

everyday I wish it was taken from me

My books always end with a happily ever after

But when do I get my own?

Many don't care....but this is my

story....go ahead a read it...but I do

warn you...its sad

My only wish is to have a happy ending.......before its to late.......

But then again....its already to late.....and there is no one to save me...

They Called Her S.U.N.N.Y (IT'S SO BRIGHT OUT, YET SO DARK)Where stories live. Discover now