T H I R T Y - T H R E E: run

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The sun had already begun to set and darkness fell upon us quickly. The only lights were that of the dropship. I peered out the slit a couple of the delinquents had carved into the fence and watched for any sign of movement.

The night was still. There were no sounds except for the heavy breaths and occasional whispers of the prisoners. There wasn't even a slight breeze in the still night.

It seemed like hours before anything happened. Sleep pulled on my eyelids but I managed to keep them open by pinching myself occasionally. Just as my eyes were about to close for what I hoped would be a good night's rest, a black shadow sprinted in front of the peep hole and disappeared into the dark. I shrugged it off, thinking it was my imagination or that I had eaten some more of those ripe nuts.

Then, I saw another figure sprint in front of the peep hole into the forest again. I straightened up and closed one eye and focused into the scope on my gun.

"They're here," I heard Jasper's voice whisper through the walkie talkie.

As soon as Jasper finished his announcement, it became dead silent in the camp. A few more dark shadows ran back and forth in front of the camp. Then, gunshots followed. I watched the Grounders before making a decision. The Grounders never came less than ten feet away from the camp and always darted off towards the forest before coming back.

A light bulb lit up in my head and I picked up my walkie takie. "Hold your fire! They want us to waste our ammo and we don't have much. Only shoot if they get less than ten feet away. I repeat, hold your fire."

The gunshots stopped and a deep voiced boomed from the walkie talkie. "I think you're right, Athena. Hold your gunfire everyone. We can't waste anymore ammo," Bellamy agreed.

The radio was silent for about fifteen minutes till an explosion erupted from behind me. All of the delinquents turned toward the sound and I used that opportunity to climb the blockade we made in front of the gate and placed a bright pink flower on top. I looked around on the forest floor to see if there were any more Grounders but it seemed they had disappeared.

I carefully climbed down the blockade and returned to my previous position.

"Jasper, we need you in the dropship right now," I heard Clarke's voice coming from the walkie talkie.

"Negative. We can't give up the west woods," Bellamy disagreed.

"The west woods are mined and guessing by that explosion I heard a few seconds ago, the Grounders just figured that out. Jasper, get in the dropship," I ordered.

There was another long silence besides the crunching of the leaves the Grounders made as they ran by. Then, it was replaced by screaming over the radio.

"Here they come!" a voice shouted.

"Fall back! Get back here!" another responded.

I looked through my scope and saw dozens of black shadows running in the trees.

"They've broken through! There's hundreds of them! They're heading for the gate! Game over, man!" a voice shouted on the radio.

"It's not over till we win. Stand your ground!" I replied.

I aimed my gun through the peep hole and lined up my scope with the nearest Grounder. I immediately pulled the trigger and the black shadow fell to the floor. I continued aiming and firing until I heard the uncomfortable click, click, click of my gun. A few of the delinquents near me experienced the same problem.

"Gunners, get ready for some one-on-one! Everyone else, get in the dropship. Now!" I yelled at the worried kids surrounding me.

A few of the gunners chickened out and ran to the dropship along with the others. Some stayed behind with knives, swords, and guns ready. Then, a loud explosion sounded in the distance. My first instinct was to look up at the sky and I saw multiple balls of fire falling from black void.

"Is that from the Ark?" a teenager asked no one in particular.

"That is the Ark," I responded loudly.

Our attention was diverted when loud banging sounded from all sides of the wall.

"Clarke, they're taking down the gate. I hope you're ready," I shouted into the walkie talkie.

I turned to the kids surrounding me. Their faces were plagued with fear and worry. Some even looked like they were going to be sick.

"This is your last chance. Get in the dropship if you want to. Otherwise, be prepared to fight," I informed.

A few delinquents left their weapons on the floor and took off towards the dropship. However, the majority of the group stayed and were prepared to fight.

The Grounders managed to get the gate down and came flooding in. I easily took down the first one that came after me with a stab to the chest with the sword that Janus had made for me. More Grounders attacked, some put up more of a fight than others but I managed to get four or five down.

A large rattling sound erupted behind me. I turned quickly and saw the door to the dropship being closed. I started running towards it and saw Clarke standing at the entrance, encouraging me to run faster.

Before I could make it to the gate, I was knocked down to the floor. A tall, bald-headed Grounder stood above me with an axe in his hands above his head. Just as he was about to swing the axe down, I held my sword in both of my hands above my head and stopped the axe. The sound of metal hitting metal rang in my ears and the Grounder seemed affected by it too. I took it as chance to kick him with both of my feet in the stomach. He stumbled backwards onto the floor. Then, I saw two more figures running towards me. I immediately sprang up and was ready to swing my sword when I noticed it was Bellamy and Finn.

I turned towards the dropship and the door was already closed. Then, the dropship let out a deep rumble.

I placed my sword back into its sheath and took off, "Run, Bellamy, Finn! Run!"

I kept running.

I didn't look back.

I didn't think.

I didn't even breathe.

I kept running.

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