Twenty-Five ; [ IMG ]

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Hyun-a had come to a decision. 

She was going to keep Saeyoung out of any Requiem business. She didn't want him to be unnecessarily hurt─or killed─because of her. It was already bad enough that he knew of her 'ability' , but now that he knows she's an agent, he's in more trouble than he probably realizes. If Tanaka caught wind of that, they both would be dead. She may be able to beat Tanaka one-on-one (and even then it's a very difficult thing to do), but if he sends the entire organization after them; she wouldn't be able to protect anyone.

The blue haired girl was briskly making her way to the base, a steely gleam in her stormy irises. Hyun-a had to keep up appearances with Tanaka, she had to pretend to be his little toy because she had come to another decision. One that would bring up the risk of life and death. 

She was going to quit Requiem. She was going to disappear from both Saeyoung's and the RFA's lives and ultimately─the face of the Earth. The ends of her hair lifted with the wind as she turned down a narrow ally, taking the back way to Requiem. Ever since she started regaining her memories from the childhood she never thought she had, Hyun-a was feeling these tidal waves of emotions she just didn't know how to handle.

In all her years in the organization, she had been forced to lock her emotions in the deepest parts of herself. It seemed to be something she was incredibly good at, since she had convinced herself for 17 years that she hadn't even been born with the ability to feel anything. On top of that, she had no sensitivity to pain. It was as if she wasn't alive at all.

Hyun-a walked down the dark hallways, ignoring the looks her colleagues gave her like she did every day. "Look who it is, Tanaka's favorite pet~" a familiar voice cooed from next to her. Hyun-a simply sighed and turned another corner blatantly ignoring the boy who had ill-will towards her for no apparent reason. She heard the click of his tongue before feeling an arm hanging over her shoulders lazily. "Taehyung, please refrain from touching me." She warned. "Or you'll do what? Kill me? As if. I don't see why you're his favorite, you can't even stop me from using you as an armrest."

In an instant, the haughty boy was on the ground with his arms bent painfully behind his back and a gun to the back of his head. Hyun-a narrowed her eyes as she leaned down to his level. "Do not assume that I won't kill you, Agent V. " she muttered in his ear. The boy grinned and adjusted his face on the ground so that his eye met with hers. "Oh really? Because you seem to be getting soft. Is it because of Luciel Choi?"

The woman froze at the mention of his name, further causing Taehyung to grin wider and chuckle. "What do you know." She demanded calmly. "I know everything, Agent Zero. So unless you want Tanaka to know and your little lover to die, give me you're position. " Taehyung threatened. Hyun-a raised an eyebrow before smirking tauntingly. "Is that all you want? If you really deserve this title, you'd have to be talented. "

The boy growled menacingly as he stood and dusted himself off. People around them watched like hawks, taking in every detail to gossip about later. Hyun-a re-adjusted her black gloves and simply walked passed the brooding boy. If he was so insistent on having her spot, he could take it. She could care less, it wasn't like she was staying long anyway. But she wanted to give him something to work for, so that the pang of regret she felt every time she saw him would ebb.

"Tanaka." She greeted icily. In return, she received the same look. "Ishiko. You haven't been taking your medicine. Not that it matters, since I control everything in your complex, it's easy to administer it via water." The girl narrowed her eyes and pressed her lips into a thin line. So he's been keeping tabs. He knows I'm beginning to rebel. This is a problem.

"I apologize. It won't happen again," she conceded with a blank expression. The man hummed in response, narrowing his eyes a fraction at her. "It better not, or we might have a very serious problem. It would just be devastating if you were to suddenly regain your ability to feel pain. Did you know that people who take morphine tend to feel pain on a more intense level? Imagine yourself, but ten times that."

Hyun-a merely stood there, waiting for him to finish threatening her. "I am going to Mint Eye after this meeting. So I will keep it brief. I've decided that the RFA are of no use to me anymore and will be completing the mission immediately. That is all." She reported, turning on her heel and walking out before the man could get a word in.

Tanaka folded his hands in front of his mouth, a look of deep thought on his face. 

Hyun-a's phone buzzed rapidly in her pocket, making it obvious that whoever was sending a message meant for it to be urgent. She quickly grabbed the device and unlocked it without a second thought. It was a message from Unknown.

From: Unkown

I would drop're lover boy is in trouble~ 

[ IMG ]

Hyun-a's brows furrowed in worry as she opened the image, only to stop in the middle of the busy street with wide eyes. The image was of Saeyoung, and he was bloody and bruised by God knows what. A sudden bust of anger sparked in the pit of her stomach, gathering like a whirlwind in the deepest part of her soul as she quickly tracked the location where it was sent. It was the Mint Eye headquarters. Those bastards.  

Her steely grey eyes snapped to the road where a shiny black motorcycle lay propped up nicely. Without a second thought she ran towards it and swung her leg over the seat and brought it to life. The keys were still in the ignition, so there was no need to hot wire it. Hyun-a sent out a brief apology to the air before her hand twisted the handle, allowing her full speed towards where they were keeping Saeyoung. 

It's my fault. If I hadn't gotten involved with the RFA he would be safe right now. 

There weren't a flurry of thoughts running through her head, just one. Find and save Luciel. That was her prime objective. 


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