Nine ; Suspicion

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"Kiri, we need to talk."

Luciel stood in front of Ishiko, hands stuffed in the space of his jacket pockets. He had been lucky enough to catch her on the way to The Lucky Cat—which he was still disappointed about the fact there weren't actually cats there—and was instantly hit with a swarm of butterflies.

"We are talking right now," she replied monotonously. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she stood, weight evenly distributed to both legs. She wasn't necessarily impatient, she just had somewhere to be. Luciel opened his mouth to say something before closing it again, index finger pointing upwards as he did so. "Not what I mean!" He finally exclaimed. The red haired hacker looked around at the crowed, biting his lip. Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and tugged her into an ally. Heat sparked a fire in his heart as he had taken her hand, but felt as if a glass was placed over the flame when he let go.

Ishiko allowed him to drag her around simply because she was curious as to what he had to say that couldn't be said in public. "Kiri, are you really Kiri?" he asked, his amber hues boring into her stormy grey ones. The girl cocked a brow, "Of course I am, that is what my mother named me." Seven blinked then dragged a hand down his face, turning away. "Again, not what I meant! I saw you go into a restaurant and you met with a sketchy guy and I am suspicious."

Great, now I sound like I'm stalking her. It's one thing to hack into the CIA database, but to follow someone I know? Good Lord above, I promise I'm not a stalker, he thought to himself as he waited for her answer. Ishiko's eyes hardened slightly, but quickly returned to their normal indifferent gaze. So he tailed me without me knowing...and he knows where the base is. Seven is very adept. Tanaka must not receive word.

"So you stalked me." She finally replied, causing the male to rub his face again in exasperation. "No! I'm not stalking you. I just happened to see you and...followed you. Yeah, that doesn't sound better." He muttered. The azure haired female said nothing as she watched Seven get flustered by such a meaningless conversation. "Well, If that's all, I must go. I have work to attend to." but when she tried to step away, Seven just blocked her path with his arm on the wall, closing the proximity by a few inches. He would have been a hot mess, but his curiosity and need to confirm that Kiri, whoever they were, was not a danger to his friends--his family.

"I know you're hiding something Kiri. What business do you have with Tsubaku Tanaka? Please, you can trust me to keep a secret; I just need to know if you're dangerous." He pleaded, glasses glinting in the afternoon sun. Ishiko locked eyes with the hacker, their colors like fire and air.

"Isn't everyone a bit dangerous, when pushed too far?" she replied, a little rhetorically. "Anyways, I don't know who you're talking about, but if that's all, I really do have to go. I need coffee. You can come with." Seven sighed; it was obvious she wasn't going to answer his questions. He just prayed that one day...she would open up. He knew she was leading a dangerous life if she was acquainted with Tanaka, and he couldn't help but be worried. What if I can't protect her?

The male quickly swatted the thought away with the light slap to his cheeks. Why was he thinking like that? Like he was her...Nonononononono Luciel get your shit together and go on the coffee date--I did NOT just call this a date it's an outing after interrogation. Yeah, that's it.

"Uh," As he was about to reply, Ishiko was already at the entrance of the ally. "Wait up, would you!" The girl simply smirked before continuing on, Seven falling in step beside her. They stayed silent throughout the walk to The Lucky Cat, the red haired male had his hands stuffed into his pockets and head turned away to hide the blush that threatened his pale cheeks. It seemed like Ishiko had forgotten the whole interrogation that happened just moments before much to Seven's relief. He hated when things got awkward, and he usually left when it did.

But he didn't want to leave her.

The blue haired female seemed to pay no mind to the biting wind -- she didn't even have a jacket. Luciel contemplated giving her his, because he felt like he was on fire whenever she was next to him. Even though they hadn't been face-to-face very often. Ishiko mulled over the new information in her head, thinking of ways Tanaka could avoid getting information on 707's discovery. It wasn't like she cared, but it would be a hassle to deal with that.

The two finally made it to The Lucky Cat , a place that seemed to become a normal spot for the RFA for the past three weeks. Soon Ishiko would have to get into Mint Eye; ultimately abandoning the RFA. She had to get 'Unknown' to talk to her more in order to gain that ticket inside. But a mission like this required patience—something Tanaka didn't possess. The month deadline was nearing and yet Ishiko had not made very much progress.

Was it because of 707? The members of the RFA?

If she recalled, the only one she hasn't met was V. But the mission doesn't require that, so it would be left alone. Ring, the familiar chime of the bells upon the entrance brought the girl out of her thoughts and into the real world. Her eyes trailed to the man who sported idiotic glasses. He was holding the door for her.

Ishiko swiftly entered, muttering a thank you and heading straight for the cashier. When her steely eyes travelled up to a familiar head of blonde, they caught sight of the thing that had been bothering her since before she was assigned the mission.

It was the symbol she saw the night her target got away for the first time.


If you're into HunterXHunter & Killua Zoldyck, you should check out my new story "Godspeed" (^^)

Thank you all so much for reading this story, I honestly am so humbled. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity.

Blue Skies | 707/Luciel Choi | mystic messenger | #1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora