Two ; Mission

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The azure haired female strolled casually down the dim hallway, barely sparing a glance at all the frightened and hateful co-workers. She didn't care about them and as long as they didn't bother her, she wouldn't bother them. They were afraid of upsetting the cold assassin and rightly so. But just because she killed for a living didn't mean she took lives because she can. She had morals—however twisted they were.

Her light grey eyes stared forwards blankly until she reached the intimidating steel door separating her from her boss. There was no hesitation in her movements as she knocked thrice before entering the rather homey office. "Agent Zero." He addressed, large hands joined beneath his chin as a temporary head-rest. Immediately the female's back straightened and her hands fell limply to her sides. The only time he ever called her Agent Zero was when he had a mission. Something only she could accomplish.

"You are aware of an organization called Mint Eye, correct?" He asked levelly. The female nodded once. "Your mission is to disband Mint Eye by any means necessary. Leave no survivors. As you know, this organization is much like a cult. They have one goal and that goal is paradise." Tanaka rolled his shoulders and adjusted his position. "I assume you know of the RFA. You are to infiltrate them to get to Mint Eye, they seem to be the main target at the moment. You will be provided with a new identity and background. Here is the phone you must keep with you at all times; it contains a messenger app only members of the RFA have."

He slid the sleek iPhone towards her as she stepped up and grabbed the item. Her eyes inspected the matte black device before placing it in her suit pocket. Ishiko knew better than to ask how exactly they acquired the app if only RFA members possessed it. Unnecessary questions will get you killed.

"You are to begin tomorrow, understood?"

"Hai." Ishiko replied monotonously with a bow. The director hummed in approval before sitting back in his chair. Without another word, Tanaka dismissed his best agent. Ishiko wasted no time in disappearing before his eyes, heading to her apartment. There was no need to rush so she took a leisure pace down her hallway until she was in front of her door.

"Ishiko! Hello dear," an elderly woman greeted. The blue haired girl paused, her fingertips barely grazing the door handle. She angled her head towards the woman who seemed to come from no where. "Byeol-san, hello." Ishiko replied curtly. Her Steele grey eyes studied the woman once before she dropped her hand completely and turned toward her. "Do you need assistance with groceries, Byeol-san?"

The grey haired woman chuckled lightheartedly before shaking her head. "No, no. I couldn't possibly trouble you! But there was something I actually need to give to you," Byeol said. Her wrinkled hands reached into her cardigan to pull out a manilla envelope. The woman held it out with a warm smile. "Arigatou," Ishiko said monotonously, slipping back into her mother tongue. "Baa-chan." A faint smile quirked the corner of her pink lips as she tucked the item under her arm. Quietly, Ishiko bent down and picked up a few groceries and opened the door to her neighbors home.

"Oh, Ishiko! You don't need to help me, I'm still capable!" The woman chortled. The blue haired female shook her head as she began putting away condiments. "No, Byeol-San. It is something I wish to do. Please allow me to help." The woman shook her head again with a smile. "Alright, just this once!" She agreed.

An hour later; after a cup of herbal tea and light conversation, Ishiko finally left to her own home. Once the door clicked closed and locked automatically, the assassin immediately sat down on the couch and opened the package. Her pale fingertips grazed the paper a little too quickly, resulting in a thin–but throbbing–paper cut. She didn't react to the pain.

Carefully she lifted the contents from the inside and scanned them over.

Name: Hamada Kiri

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Occupation: undecided

Affiliated with: RFA


Her expression remained neutral as she stood and walked to the fireplace, throwing the files in the hungry flames. The heat licked her skin as she watched blankly. The fiery tendrils traced crumbling burnt lines upon the paper, curling its edges like it was hugging it. She wondered briefly how it felt to be burned alive.

She had killed that way before, to test efficiency. The screams of that man still rang in her ears every time she thought about it. Ultimately the experiment proved to take too long so she no longer burns anyone—only to get rid of evidence.

Her gaze traveled from the flames to the window, where the midnight sky sparkled with tiny specks of light. It was midnight already...? A light sigh slipped through her mouth as she uncrossed her arms and unbuttoned her blazer—throwing it aside and falling back into her plush couch. Tomorrow—or was it today?—she was another person, another face.

"Hamada Kiri... Nice to meet you." She murmured, bringing her pale hand to rest over her eyes. It was a habit of hers to practice her new persona late into the night. Would one call that a nervous habit?

Ishiko was not nervous, far from it. She was indifferent upon the whole matter. It was like any other undercover infiltration mission she's been on, she would finish the job quickly and smoothly. Like always. The grey-eyed girl knew sleep would not come for her, it never did. So instead, she slid the new phone out of her pocket and stared at the black screen for a minute.

Her thumb lightly pressed on the home button towards the bottom, igniting the screen with a photo of her and someone she did not know. It was photoshopped, she knew that. So it must be a part of her cover. Hmm... Dead brother? She unlocked the phone and was quickly met with the odd interface the RFA messenger app sported. It was dark brown with hints of gold surrounding all the buttons. The 'CHAT' bubble was the largest, next being 'texts' and then 'phone'.

Curiously she tapped on the largest button. A single bar appeared labeled "RFA CHATROOM" with five names following it. The assassin held the phone above her face at arms length, expression indifferent. I suppose anytime is the right time to begin.

> Kiri has entered the chatroom.

Blue Skies | 707/Luciel Choi | mystic messenger | #1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum