Twelve ; I know what you're hiding

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"Hyun-a? Who is that?" Ishiko questioned, raising a brow and adjusting her position in the hard wooden chair

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"Hyun-a? Who is that?" Ishiko questioned, raising a brow and adjusting her position in the hard wooden chair. The man seemed to shake himself out of a daze before his lips set in a tight smile. "I apologize It seems I've gotten you confused with someone else. You must be Kiri, I'm glad we get to meet in person." He held out a hand in greeting, which she took in a quick shake. "Yes, I'm glad we are meeting. Please take a seat, this may be a while." She offered.

V nodded and did as asked, setting his probing cane to rest between his legs. Ishiko eyed him before leaning back and asking the question that peaked her curiosity the most. "You are nearly blind and yet you still see someone you haven't seen in a while, I'm guessing. Who exactly was Hyun-a?"

The question didn't seem to catch the male by surprise. Instead it seemed to bring a small smile to his face. "I understand you're curious now...Hyun-a was my sister. She disappeared when we were seven and eight," he began with his head facing the windows above, "She was very energetic and bubbly--always ready to go somewhere new. The reason I got confused was because of your hair. She had the same hair as I do but I suppose you just liked the color. I'm sorry for confusing you."

Ishiko nodded, although she felt something confusing in her chest. Why did that sound so familiar? She didn't know much about her years before Requiem, only the brief flickers of an old type of camera and lavenders. It wasn't much to go on so she never really payed any mind. It was useless information.

"I see. I'm...sorry for digging." The girl apologized, although it sounded as if she were talking about the weather. "Moving on, I know of your involvement with Mint Eye." She continued nonchalantly, smirking slightly when he went ridged. "How?" he whispered in both shock and worry. Ishiko tapped her nails on the top of her knee in a spider-like motion. "I have eyes everywhere, and since the organization is amateurish it is fairly easy to infiltrate. " She replied. It was true, the moment she got assigned the mission she had ordered a few to go undercover as precaution just in case she wasn't able to get in. They then report to the assassin on a daily basis on disposable phones.

V was silent a moment, frowning before he leaned forward with creased brows. Ishiko could see his semi-clouded eyes now that he was leaning forward and saw the plead within their depths. "Please don't tell the RFA. I...I have to suffer this alone. I can't let anyone else get hurt."

The blue haired female blinked slowly before sighing. "I have no intent to tell them, because I myself plan to infiltrate the organization. If I told them now it would jeopardize my mission." Why was she telling him this? Why did it feel like she could tell him anything? How annoying. Although that last part seemed to really catch his attention. "Your mission? Do you work for another organization?" the blue haired male inquired with a hint of worry. Ishiko nodded, not really caring if he could see it or not. "Then...Please don't hurt them. They don't deserve it. Promise me you won't hurt the RFA!"


Ishiko shifted in her seat, uncrossing her legs. "I have no need to hurt the RFA. I am simply using them as a way into Mint Eye." She confirmed, pushing herself upright until she was towering over the male. "I believe that is all, Jihyun. I'm glad we had this little chat and I assume it will be just between the two of us, ne?" Ishiko hummed with an underlying threat. She watched as he ran a hand through his hair before nodding reluctantly.

"Good," she nodded before beginning to walk away. But she stopped when only three steps were taken. "...I hope you find your sister. Whether or not shes alive. I believe everyone is entitled to know the truth."

The next destination Ishiko had in mind was Seven's house. How she knew where it was? It was written on his hand right next to his phone number. The blue haired assassin held the jacket over her interlocked hands as she stood in front of the modern dark colored home fit with a security camera and mahogany door. The first thing Ishiko did was ring the doorbell, not reacting to the fact that a small speaker had popped out of no where.

"corvus oculum corvi non eruit." It droned a little robotically but somehow held a humanistic undertone. How...odd. she thought to herself as she opened her mouth to translate what the speaker had said. "A crow will not pull out the eye of another crow. To be put simply, honor amongst thieves." Almost immediately a buzz vibrated the door before it unlocked. Ishiko raised a brow in surprise. Was it that easy to get into his house?

Shrugging it off because she no longer cared, Ishiko pushed open the door and strode into the house confidently. The hallway she walked down was dimly lit and furnished with photos of cats and an angry Jumin Han in the background.

The closer she got to what she assumed to be the living room the louder she heard a pair of voices arguing. She only caught bits and pieces though because it seemed like Seven knew she was there.

"...oset! She won't see you..."

"...ut up. I'm getting in the damn closet!"

Ishiko paused, her knuckled just about to knock on the wall to announce her presence. What was the use of knocking if he already knew she was there? Shrugging, she strolled right in and stood there, waiting for Seven to realize she'd walked in. Her brow raised slightly when she laid eyes on the redhead sitting upside down on the sofa, glasses hanging off his face.

"K-Kiri! How did you get past my security?!" Was the first thing he stuttered out as he righted himself. The blue haired girl shrugged, shifting her weight. "I know Latin. So getting through your 'security' was easy. I advise you install something else. Like math equations." She replied, staying still in her spot. Seven quickly waved her over to the couch with a grin. "I see you brought my jacket! It looks too cute on you to take back~"

Ishiko had just sat herself down on the plush sofa, a safe distance away when he had said that. But she ignored it buy simply placing the piece of clothing in his lap. "Thank you for letting me borrow it. That's all I came here for." She informed, moving to stand again only to be stopped when a warm hand wrapped around her wrist gently. Ishiko's brows rose in surprise as she turned to stare at the male who was silently cursing himself for acting impulsively.

"a-ah...Is it okay for you to stay a little longer? I'm avoiding work and I found a good reason why." He chuckled, hiding the light flush of embarrassment on his face. For a moment, Ishiko felt conflicted which quickly turned to confusion. Why was she even thinking about staying? She had to report to Tanaka in less than twenty minutes. She had no time to spend dilly-dallying at his house. So...why is it so difficult to refuse?

Unbeknownst to her, Ishiko's lips quirked upwards in a small smile. "I'm sorry Luciel, but I have work to attend to at the moment," She began. The hacker tried to hide the disappointment in his eyes as he nodded and laughed. "Yeah, I understand. Unlike me you actually value the work you do, huh?"

Ishiko turned and strode towards the hallway the lead to the door, waving a hand over her shoulder. " Although, If you still wish to talk after I've finished...I suppose I could come back." And with that one last remark, she was gone.

Luciel was on his feet and fist bumping the air as soon as she was out of sight.


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