Chapter 25

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Mikayla was up in the bedroom laying besides Chase. She wanted to be the first one Chase saw when he woke up. "Please wake up soon." She said as she smoothed out Chase's hair. She could hear his even breathing and wondered what she'd had done if I hadn't thought about using that green fluid to bring him back.
20 minutes have passed and Chase still hasn't awaken yet. "Please wake up." Mikayla said and tears started falling down her cheeks. "I'm sorry for my actions I did last night. I didn't know what came over me. I feel like I've betrayed you and I understand if you don't ever wanna speak to me again." Mikayla said and it sounded like she was practicing to talk to him when he woke up. At this time I was by the door peeking in just checking in them. Mikayla was muttering out some other words but I couldn't understand them. "Please, please wake up, please." Mikayla said. She then leaned over Chase and kissed his lips. I put my hand over my mouth to keep from squealing. That was the cutest thing I've ever seen. She then came back up and held his hand.
5 minutes later I saw Mikayla's eyes get wide. Chase started to stir. He was waking up and Mikayla was getting excited and scared at the same time. Chase opened his eyes and looked weary. He then looked over at Mikayla. "Chase." Mikayla said and smiled. "Mikayla?" Chase asked groggily. "Yeah it's me." Mikayla said and smiled bigger. "Shouldn't you be with PJ and shouldn't I be dead?" Chase said and turned away from her and Mikayla's smile went away."Why am I even alive? All I ask remember is putting a gun to my head and then everything went black." Chase said. "Look, Chase, I'm sorry for my actions. I'm sorry for everything. I didn't know what came over me last night. I feel like I've betrayed you like this-" Mikayla started but Chase soon cut her off. "You did betray me." Chase said simply. "I know. And I also know that I understand if you never wanna speak or do anything with me again." Mikayla said choked up and started to walk out of  the room. But then Chase grabbed her wrist, "Wait." "What." Mikayla said. "Here sit." Chase said and straining to sit up. "You really feel that way." "Yes I do. Honestly I didn't even know what was happening with me last night. Literally just a blur. I understandWhy your mad." Mikayla said and looked down. "Well, I accept your apology. For you I understand that it was a mistake on your part." Chase said and swallowed. "I want you to know something. I like you alot. Like seriously alot." Chase said taking her hands in his. "Your personality is wonderful, your powerful but sweet when you talk, and your such a comforter." "You know," Mikayla started, "I really like you too. I think you're really cute and sweet. And I love how you blush everytime I talk to you." "I would really like to be with you." Chase said and looked into Mikayla's eyes. "Then why don't you ask?" Mikayla said and entwined her fingers in his. Chase giggled, "Can I be with you?" "Yes, you can." Mikayla said and smiled. Chase put one of the piecesOf Mikayla's hair behind her ear. "Um Can I, uh, kiss you." Chase asked for her approval and Mikayla nodded. Chase then molded his lips in hers and after a few seconds then pulled apart. I saw all this and squealed. They probably heard me but I don't care. Then I ran downstairs...

Apocalypse Takes Over.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora