Chapter 32

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We walked not even 5 feet from the door and Kian was already trying to talk me out of it. Ugh. "Babe, are you sure you wanna do this? You're seeming pretty insane right now." Kian said trying to slow us down. "Bitch I wanna fucking do this. And so what if I'm crazy? I'm fucking psycho. This apocalypse is making me go mad! Would you rather me take it out the zombies or you, pussy?" I said and at this moment I didn't know what happened in my brain that caused me to do and think this. Kian looked terrified, and for some reason, I loved it. "The zombies." Kian quickly answered. "Good." I said with an evil smile, "I love you, baby." I then kissed him on the lips. "I love you, too." He said but looked extremely confused. My little sweet girl inside of me was Mixing with the inner psycho in my brain. I don't know why, but I really liked this feeling. I felt really loose and it felt great. "COME ON YOU FUCKING ZOMBIES! I'M HERE! TRY TO GET ME!" I screamed and Kian got nervous. Then out of the woods, I heard crackling and breaking of twigs. I just had an evil smirk appear on my mouth while Kian looked worried. "Babe, let's make this a game. Let's see who kills the most wins." I said getting out my knives. "Well, I know I'm gonna whoop your ass at this game." Kian said smart-assy. "Don't be a fucking smart-ass." I said laughing. The the zombies were coming out of the woods clumps at a time. Kian looked scared. "Cmon pussy, don't let them eat you." I said and evilly smirked again. I then one by one stabbed andSliced the zombies. Kian was just shakenly shooting zombies, who were coming closer to him. "Baby, take this, it might help." I said as I tossed him a sword. He smirked and sliced the zombies that were in front of him. We killed most of them and there was a pause. We had thought we killed them all until four more zombies came out and they were.... clowns. "Clowns?" Kian zombies  and looked at me. "They were probably from the amusement park now don't look at me kill them!" I said slicing one without looking. Kian looked so turned on by my strength but scared at my psycho thoughts. We finally killed them all and I had managed to get some balloons out of one of clowns hands. "Kian look what I just scored!" I said as Kian handed back my sword. "Balloons? WhatAre you? Five?" Kian laughed and I glared at him. "No. But look at these balloons. They are floating up which means they have helium gas in them." I said and smirked and Kian looked at me weirdly, "What's helium gas?" I frowned, "Are you fucking with me? You don't know what helium is?!" "Nope." Kian said and shook his head. "Oh my fucking god. Hold these." I said and had him hold the rest of the balloons. I pulled the string off of the balloon I had and untied it. "Watch this." I said before sucking some of the air out of the balloon then pinching it back. "It will do this to your voice." I said with a high pitched voice that the helium made it do. "Whoa! That's so cool! I wanna try!" Kian said excitedly. I let him suck in some of the air. "I love youBaby! Whoa this is cool!" Kian said jumping up and down. My voice had gone back to normal by now. "Cmon let's go back inside and suprise them with our voices!'' I said as we headed back towards the house. We both sucked in some right before we walked inside. We then jumped inside the door and screamed in our high pitched voices, "Hey guys!" But then we noticed something, Chase in Mikayla weren't in there like they said. It was weird but we decided to look for them instead. We searched in rooms and we came across the pool and couch room. The door was closed. Odd. I imagined that they would be cuddling or doing something cutesy with the pool game or something. So to not disturb them, if they were even in there, I barely cracked the door to where I could Barely see in. I looked in and I saw them in there. I was shocked at what I just saw. They were not cuddling nor playing pool. I quickly and quietly and legit ran down the hallway back in the living room. "What's wrong? We're they in there?" Kian asked chasing after me. "Heh, they were in there alright." I said nervously. Kian just looked at me confused. "Is looking a glance in technically walking in on them?" I asked him plainly. "Wha- OH MY GOD!" Kian said and plopped down in a chair. "Oh yeah. I never imagined them doing the dirty." I laughed. "Yeah Chase was one of those, 'sex doesn't matter' people." Kian said. I just laughed and shook my head...

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