Chapter 33

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Mikayla and Chase entered the living room 30 min later. And they just happened to walk in when Kian was kissing my neck for the hell of it. "Hi guys." Chase said. "Looks like you made it back in here safely- um what are the balloons for?" Mikayla said when she saw the balloons tied to the arm of a wooden chair. "Oh they're just something we found." Kian said. I smirked, "Why such the messy hair?" "Because I always look like shit." Mikayla quickly replied. I knew she was lying. "False!" I screamed and stood up. "What do you mean false?" Mikayla asked. "I know you did the dirty with Chase!" I laughed. Her and Chase gasped. "How did you find out?" Mikayla whispered to me. "Well we were looking for you guys and I barely peeked in a room and saw you guys doingIt. Don't worry I barely saw a thing. Unlike what you did and just walked in my room while a guy is like licking my thighs or something." I said and Mikayla cringed. "Please don't ever say that again, that was a few times not all the time. But what did you see?" Mikayla said. "well like I said I only saw a glimpse. But you and Chase were in a chair and you were on top of him. I'm guessing you were trying to be the dominant one, eh?" I joked with her but she looked embarrassed. "Well, yeah, but let's not talk about this anymore." Mikayla said and shook her head. "Okay, let me talk to Chase real quick." I said. "Okay, but don't hurt him." Mikayla said. I walked over to Chase who was looking down at the floor. "Chase can I talk to you?" I asked. "Sure I Guess." He said and looked at me. "Good." I said and then grabbed his shirt and pulled him up to my face. "Now I'm telling you this once and no more and you better listen good. If you get Mikayla pregnant or give her some sexual diease or any of that shit, you are going to be dead. I know I saved your life once but I can put you dead in the ground in a heartbeat. I can tell that she loves you and if you hurt her, you're done. Understand?" I said and Chase looked so scared he couldn't speak. So I got louder. "Understand?!" I said loudly. He nodded his head and I shoved him away from me and I went back to Kian. "What was that about?" Kian asked. "Doing what a protective best friend does." I said and smiled. "Don't you mean overprotectuve?" Kian said. "Do You want cut, boi?" I asked him and looked him dead in the eyes. "No, uh... I love you?" He said nervously and smiled. "I love you too." I said and kissed his lips. "Hey has anyone seen PJ or Ethel?" Mikayla said sitting next to Chase. "No not lately." I said. "That's weird. Let's go look for him." Mikayla said. We all followed. We looked room by room. Empty. Then we all went into the 2nd floor bathroom. There we found PJ. Dead. Lying dead in the bathroom with his wrists and throat slit. "Oh my god!" I said. "Oh God I can't look!" Mikayla said buried her head in Chase's chest. "Do you think he did this to himself?" Kian asked. "Probably. Who else would?" Chase said. "But why tho. He didn't seem unhappy." I said. "Oh my God it's probably my fault!" MikaylaScreamed from Chase's chest and looked up at us. "Last thing I was talking to him about was the other night when I didn't even know what I was doing. I told him that he was a pig and to stay away from me and that I didn't not wanna be with him. I slapped him as well. Oh my god it was probably me." Mikayla cried out. "OH Mikayla, it could of been something else don't blame yourself." Chase said and smoothed out her hair. "You're right it wasn't her. And he didn't kill himself either. It was me." A voice said from the corner of the bathroom. It was Ester. "Why did you kill him?!" I screamed at her with full passion. "Because I can. I have control now. You all are my slaves now and there's nothing you could do about it." Ester said with the creepiest laugh. "I knew as soon as I saw you, that you were up to no good." I said. Mikayla looked terrified and I was not gonna let my group suffer. "And you say there's nothing we can do about it? Well bring it on old woman!" I said pulling out my knives from my bag that was on my back. I took a swing at her when she grabbed my arm. I cut her hand and then cut all up her arm. I then grabbed her head. "Oh please don't do this, I'm just a harmless old woman." Ester said. "I have no mercy for you lady!" I said then I broke her neck and let go of her. She fell on the floor and her arms were still bleeding out. "Cmon let's get outta here!" I said as I led the group out of the room and to the front entrance door. "We have to get outta here!" I said. "Why?" Kian asked. "WeHave to get to a better place. We aren't gonna stay here with two dead bodies in here? No we have to go!" I said and everyone quickly grabbed their bags and we headed the hell out of there. We headed towards the hummer when we saw it. A swarm like 500-800 zombies coming at us. "We have to get all these things dead!" I said. Chase and Kian started getting the weapons out of the trunk and we immediately started going at the zombies. Our energy was already started to go low but we were still going at it for our lives. I didn't see any of my group around me cause I was surrounded by zombies. I sliced, stabbed, and shot them. I then was starting to see. All of the zombies I killed were around me but there was still some out there. I didn't see any sign of Chase or Kian anywhere. I did see Mikayla tho, fighting and shooting her heart out to stay alive. As the zombies came close to me, I quickly killed them. There was one more zombie left. I could hear it behind me. I took out my gun, turned around quickly and shot. "NOOOO!" I screamed. I shot the zombie. But Mikayla was standing in front of the zombie, so when I turned around and shot, I shot her and the zombie. This was the worst thing I've ever done. "Oh no! What have I done." I cried as I crouched down to Mikayla's body. Her glassy eyes still had life still in them. "Mikayla, I'm so so sorry. I should of looked first... oh my God what have I done. You're my best friend and I love you why would I do this." I sobbed. "Kianna... I love you too, but I'm Not gonna make it. I know you didn't mean to do it. You'll always be my best friend..." Mikayla said then drifted off. She died. I cried hard. My life felt like nothing now. I looked around and I saw Kian and Chase's bodies on the ground with their guts out dead. I was alone and had Noone and I had lost the bestest person in my life and now that's taken away. My life had no meaning now and I couldn't go through the rest of this alone. "I'm sorry, Mikayla, I know you wouldn't want me to do this..." I said. I the stood up, took a big gulp, cocked back my gun, then put it in my mouth and I pulled the trigger. I shot myself and fell right by Mikayla's body. There was Noone left after that and the zombies had taken over and all the land had burned.

                       THE END.

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