Chapter 5

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In the morning, they woke up at about 9 am. They were all anxious to go outside and see what it looks like after the explosion. Kian and I tho wanted to sleep in more. "Cmon guys, get up we wanna see what it looks like outside now." Jc said shaking us. "Fuck off." Kian said swatting him away. "Yeah, let us sleep motherfucker." I said waving my arm almost smacking Jc in the face. "Oh my fucking god." Mikayla said walking in and Dan and Phil behind her. Mikayla then walked over to me, took my arm, and literally drug me out of bed onto the floor. "You bitch! Ow my assbone!" I yelped as I fell on my ass. "You know the tailbones actual name is the coccyx." Phil pointed out, being dull as usual. "Did you just say my tailbones name is actual name is cock? Cause I know it's not that. I don't even have a cock. He does and it's a fairly good size one as well." I said pointing to Kian, who was barely knowing what we were talking about. "What about my cock?" Kian asked rubbing his eyes and I just laughed. "Why are you on the floor, baby?" Kian asked, fully awake now. "Mikayla literally dragged me out of bed." I said as I playfully glared at her and laughed. Kian got out from under the covers and shivered. "Holy shit it's cold." Kian said. "It's probably cause you don't have a shirt on." I said and laughed. "Here baby hand me my flannel." I said as Kian went by my bag. He quickly grabbed it off the top and handed it to me. I then took off his shirt and quickly put my flannel on. I didn't care if the other guys Saw me in my bra, cause it's just my body. I don't care who sees me, it's just me...

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