clockwork [ gaurence ]

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"Want to take the long way home?" I ask. It's the same question I give him everyday after soccer. It's like clockwork between us. I'd ask, he'd answer.

"Of course,"

This is the same cycle I've been through with Garroth Ro'meave for the last ten years. He hauls his bike along the same cracked pavement while we discuss what happen in our day. Sometimes there are meantions of the girl with powdery blue hair from chemistry, or the albino boy who sits in the corner and draws all day. On occasion I would bring up the dammed shadow knight's leader and his younger brother, but we don't touch on them often. The serene peace between us has never been broken.


That's a massive lie.

There was this one girl, but she has her own boyfriend now. And that all happened in our first year. So aside from that one incident then, we haven't been apart. And we still do talk about it.

But per usual we stroll through the same block of generic villa homes which almost anyone simply can't afford. While I sprint Garroth breezes on his bike up the massive hill I used to dread, but finally we reach my favorite part of the day: the forest.

We'd spent countless hours in here. Occasionally his bike would get snagged on a vine or I'd trip and lose the contents of my bag, but we certainly had pleasant memories in here.

Yet today was one of those days. Among the villa's Garroth had pointed out that one of them was her (when I say her I mean the girl from the incident) house, and we'd spun off on our own personal theories on how she was going. Neither had us had spoken with her for a long while now and only had a vague idea of what she had been up to. But with her comes her boyfriend. And with her boyfriend comes our first year. And with that comes our past crushes on her, and I believe from what you know...

You know how me and Garroth ended up in all that.

"It'd be nice y'know. A relationship and all like Aaron and Aph," I chime, attempting to break away from the topic at hand.

Garroth scoffs at my little comment. "We haven't exactly graduated yet though Laurence. We can't go off traveling for a year yet,"

"We're about to be able to though,"

I was right. Aphmau and Aaron had graduated last year, and were off on their massive gap year together across Europe and Asia, so it only left us to finish our studies.

"Well, the prom is in two weeks. Maybe your date will be the Aphmau to your Aaron," Garroth flicked the bell on his bike several times over. Whenever we went somewhere with his bike, he would give me this little signal whenever he made a joke, good or bad. He's also ring it when he said something incredibly cheesy. I pinched the bridge of my nose, sighing. "Irene that was cheesy," I mutter. Garroth puts on that adorable smile proceeded with that signature laugh of his. The one that is alike a roaring fire place in the middle of a blizzard, or the first ray of sunshine after a thunderstorm.

"Unlike you, I enjoy jokes like that," he prods my side with the same finger he used for the bell. I roll my eyes.

"You're lucky though. People actually want to date you, unlike me,"

This was also true. If I were to put it simply, Garroth had his own personal harem; and I was apart of it. A couple girls from the classes we shared always hung around him, but Garroth would just say they where there because of me. I knew though that we all seeked the same adorable blond's affection, yet I was always going to be the one shoved to the side, the best friend. It's not like they knew of my feelings anyways.

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