fanfiction [ travlyn ]

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[ written before Love Love Paradise - alternate timeline ]

Gently, he pressed the doorbell with his finger. Travis dug his tanned hands into the pockets of his evergreen jacket. How long had it been since Katelyn kissed him? One month, two weeks, three days and five hours. Since the convention Travis had been attempting to get closer to Katelyn, considering the kiss. The memory still hadn't forgotten to replay itself each day ever since it happened.

But then Katelyn on the other hand.

She still couldn't face him after the whole ordeal. 

"Hello? Oh! Travis-kun!" a sweet voice mused. Travis looked up and smiled at the Meif'wa. "Kawii~chan! Is Katelyn there?" he asked. A smug grin grew across her face at the mention of her bluenette roommate. "Katelyn~sama? Yes, she's up in her room Travis-Kun," she said, trying not to giggle.

Oblivious to Kawaii-Chan's plot, he walked past with the pink-haired maid as she closed the door behind him. He looked once again at her, but an eerie chill ran down his spine this time. Travis briefly stopped, facing Kawaii~Chan once again. "Kawaii~Chan, are you okay?" his eyes widened in fear of her response. Kawaii~Chan simply laughed at him. "Oh, don't worry Travis~kun. I just gotta go down to the basement..." leaving him with a demonic grin she sped past him and straight to the staircase which lead to underneath the house.

What is she doing to her shine thing? He thought to himself. The idea of her renovating it from Dante and Nicole to him and Katelyn gave him a gleeful buzz, but then realized that he'd be dead if she knew of this pleasing thought. As he reached for the wooden railing of the staircase, he sighed once again and let the idea escape. "One step at a time. Aphmau said be a gentleman. Dedicate yourself to, one girl," he paused for a moment, huffing in frustration. "Only if she wasn't such a tsundere. At least, thats how she put it,"

Transfixing his gaze to the top of the flight of stairs he climbed up. He ran his fingers though his messy snow hair, attempting to neaten it. This only increased the amount of hair covering his eye and stray hairs. Travis cringed. Once again he forgot the flowers. Smacking himself square in the head he muttered to himself "Idiot,"

Gotta go with plan B now...

Finally he stood outside her door. Hesitantly, he reached for the doorknob. Travis felt as if his heart was about to overheat and explode from how fast it was beating at that moment. He had to admit it. Unlike other girls, he had actually fallen head over heels for Katelyn

With everything in him telling him to do so, he turned the handle and stormed into her room. "Hello M'lady!" he greeted flirtatiously. Katelyn looked up from her laptop quickly with a  startled expression. At seeing the flirt she shut her laptop immediately and screeched "Travis! What the hell have I said about just busting into my room?!"

Travis looked at her innocently, then grinned. "Knock first...?" he sheepishly asked. The uncertain tone in his voice made Katelyn's blood boil. Without a second thought she leaped off her bed, ran up to him and punched him to the floor. Travis winched in pain as he landed, clutching his stomach. His whimpers and moans of pain lasted for about five minutes, until Katelyn lent him a hand off the floor. "Seriously, warn me when you're going to come in here," she warned. Travis let go of her hand, hating the fact he had to do it.

"Especially on such short notice Travis," she added.

Travis rose an eyebrow, the ends of his lips curving upwards. Seeing the laptop on the bed closed, only one idea came to mind of what she could be doing. "Katelyn, what naughty things have you been looking up? Have you been reading some of Garroth's fanfics about us?" he boldly inquired. With the swift movement of his hand he wrapped it around her waist, pulling her closer.

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