Destiny struck again (Joe Sugg)

Start from the beginning

He observes me closer. He opens my mouth, stares into my eyes and moves my arms as I laugh. He suddenly rises and screams :


I just stare at him as I nod.

I describe her the way I see her. Caspar just looks at me with his head in the palm of his hands like a girl listening to her best friend talk about that hot guy that she likes.

He says :

« Let's go find her ! »

« Caspar, that is impossible, there are loads of people in London »

« Give it a shot ! People rarely fall in love that way ! Take a risk »

I get up and take my camera as I say :

« Let's go then ! »

We leave the flat and exit the building as I prepare myself to find the girl with a silky voice and hypnotizing eyes...

The day went by so fast, I couldn't concentrate.

All I could think about was those blue eyes and warm hands.

All I could see was his beautiful figure.

The bell interrupted me in my deep thoughts to announce that the last class had finally ended.

I quickly get out of class and walk to the café that is only a few blocks away.

I open the door and see my best friend, Anna, flirting with one of the customers, I laugh to myself and run to the back to put on my apron.

When I come back out, she is back at the till, staring at that guy as I jump in front of her and startle her. She says with a sarcastic tone :

« Piss off ! »

I laugh as she does the same. I decide to tell her about the « mystery guy » when she starts giggling :

« You're in love ! »

She keeps repeating it everytime I serve a customer.

I just don't say anything because I know her and I also know that if I ignore her, she'll stop... eventually.

I just wish that when that door opens and that the bell rings that it'll be him but I know that it'll never happen...

Joe's POV :

I take out my camera and start talking to it :

« Well guys, I've been searching all day with Caspar...»

I point to Caspar who is also talking to his camera :

« and we haven't found her so we are going to take a break and get back to you »

I try to stay positive but it's hard considering the amount of people that actually live in London.

Caspar puts a hand on my shoulder and says :

« Come on, let's take a break »

I nod as we enter a small cafe. There are quite a few people enjoying their coffees and treats.

We sit in a booth when a waitress comes to our table.

She asks what we would like, that is until, Caspar starts flirting with her.

They talk for a moment as I just look around the cafe. A voice suddenly interrupts my thoughts :

« There you go, enjoy ! »

I recognize that voice, that silky voice that has been replaying in my mind all day. I lift my head up and see her. She's here, she works here.

I get up and rush to the toilet only to slightly bump into her.

She turns around and there, I see them again, those hypnotizing eyes...

He's here, but how?

I mean, this can't be possible, the odds were very low for us to find each other in this immense city and there are thousands of cafes and he came here ? How ?

I stare at him as he says :

« Hi »

« Hey »

I say as red creeps up my cheeks.

He smiles as we just stare at each other, that feeling of being just the two of us in this place come back, it's as if I'm blind but I can only see one thing clearly and that's him.

I walk back to the till with a smile on my face as I start washing the dishes. I can feel his blues eyes on me, observing my every single move. I turn around to see him leaning on the bar, just watching.

I move my hair to my face to hide the red in my cheeks as I hear his sweet voice :

« My name's Joe »

« I'm Y/N »

He stares and sighs soflty :

« I have been looking for you all day »

I drop a dish in the sink, my eyes open wide. He has been looking for me ? All day ?

I turn around, a surprised look on my face. He says :

« I know what you're thinking. Why look for a stranger ? Here's why :

from the moment that you bumped into me, something happened. It was supposed to be a regular day, same as always and then, there you were, beautiful, radiant, adorable. You've changed my day and I hope that you can do that everyday. So this is what I wanted to ask you : would you like to go on a date with me ? »

I smile and say :

« I would love to »

He smiles widely and says :

« Great, that's great um, how about tommorow night ? »

I nod as he hands me his phone for me to give him my number.

I hand him back his phone as our hands touch ad he whispers :

« I can't wait »

He skips back to the booth as I laugh, mentally thanking destiny for changing my usual day into days filled with adventure...


Hey guys, so this was the first Joe imagine. I hope that you enjoyed it and there will be lots more !

Joe Sugg & Caspar Lee imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now