Forests Ablaze

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Ryan's P.O.V.

It was alarming for Ryan to be in Ramona's place for once - he woke up, at around eleven to be exact, to a bright and sunny room and the other side of the bed cold and empty. He shrugged this off and immediately got ready for the day, all the while thinking of nothing but the previous night.

He still had a shaky feeling not far off from that of adrenaline pumping through his veins. He was anxious, nervous, and he couldn't get rid of the feeling no matter how hard he tried. Even his heart was beating faster than usual.

With these sensations, he felt like a victim of a brutal war. It was almost as if he could still hear the gunshots, too, while feeling the intense panic in his heart.

Nonetheless, Ryan hoped a day with Ramona could help him get over it. Or at least forget what was happening to him. She was sitting on the couch when he entered the living room, still in pajamas and looking tired.


"Hey." She replied. Her words were casual and kind but her tone said otherwise.

"When did you wake up?" He asked as he sat beside her.


"Are you alright?"


That's always the answer she gives me.

Ryan didn't press much anyways. Maybe she was off from last night too.

Or maybe she's still depressed and what you thought was improvement was just a mask.

Ryan shook these thoughts away, too. He focused on the TV she, too, was staring at. Before long, maybe ten or fifteen minutes, she grabbed the remote and began flipping through channels. She always seemed to stop on the news for a little longer. Before she could change it, though, Ryan, intrigued by the words, exclaimed, "Stop!"

Ramona did nothing but put the remote down.

"---Great Britain's jets have just bombed the United Nations headquarters in New York City, and only forty-six people of about one hundred and ten have been found within the hour. Twenty-nine are dead, and seventeen have critical or major injuries. Several countries are sparking up an outrage with the United Kingdom after this attack and President Carter has already given a speech regarding the tragedy.

"Carter has stated that this has postponed the war and any serious warfare between the nations, and the tragedy gives the United States more time to prepare to avenge the harmed Americans in the building since Britain will now be distracted with the consequences of their actions."

This felt fishy to Ryan. Something, whatever the hell it was, wasn't right. Especially with Carter's words, but Ryan couldn't figure out what exactly it was. It felt like he was lying. That wouldn't surprise him. But...if he was...what else would be a lie? If this is, that leaves everything else open to accusation, and rightful accusation at that. If one brick is set crooked, the whole building probably won't be right.

This made Ryan angry. The news station started to show footage of Carter speaking. There wasn't a single bit of his face that looked concerned. It was nonchalant, indifferent, all as if he...expected it.

In a sudden fit of rage he could hardly contain, Ryan reached over, snatched up the remote, and turned the TV off. Then the room was quiet. Even Ramona said nothing.

"This is bullshit!" Ryan spat.

"What are you talking about?" Ramona asked. But her tone came off a little more defensive than she probably intended, and Ryan, in his sudden mood, looked at her with fierce eyes. At his glare, Ramona suddenly looked stuck and apologetic.

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